Here is the province’s “baby bonus”: from 1200 to 2400 euros a year for those who have children (and have been in Italy for at least 10 years)


The provincial government has decided: subsidy for those who have children, from 1,200 euros a year the first, up to 2,400 euros a year for three or more babies. But you have to be “from Trentino” for two years and have been in Italy for at least ten.

A press release from piazza Dante informs us that “The regulation that establishes the requirements for access to the birth allowance has been modified, the threshold for the indicator of economic and financial condition for access to this measure has been set at 0 , 40. The objective, in this year marked by the pandemic, is to allow a greater number of people to take advantage of this contribution, which supports the birth rate and our families ”. It is with these words that the Councilor for Health, Social Policies, Disability and Family Stefania Segnana illustrates the resolution adopted today by the Provincial Council, which dictates the conditions and requirements necessary for families to access the birth subsidy. The measure has a maximum duration of 36 months, from the month following the birth and also applies to adopted children, from the month following the adoption.

The “Extraordinary Strategic Plan in favor of the family and the birth rate”, approved in November 2019, aims to counteract the demographic decline through a variety of instruments including the recognition of a birth allowance. The resolution adopted today by the Executive, at the proposal of the provincial agency for family, birth and youth policies in collaboration with the provincial agency for assistance and supplementary pension, establishes the new criteria. At the same time, the Provincial Government also modified the regulations for the access requirements to the birth allowance.

Requirements. Family units with an indicator of family economic status (Icef) not higher than 0.40, uninterrupted residents in the province of Trento in the last two years and in Italy in the last 10 years, can access this facility.

Maximum for three years. Amount of the allowance € 1,200 per year, per month, for the first child;

€ 1,440 per year, per month, for the second child

2,400 euros per year, per month, for the third and subsequent children;

The check is recognized for the duration of 3 years and it is incompatible with the similar concession granted by the State, granted by the INPS, for the first year from the month following the birth or adoption. For children born or adopted in the years 2020 and 2021, during the first twelve months the subsidy is paid by the State and the Province recognizes the birth subsidy from the thirteenth month of birth or adoption for the following two years, with annual verification the maintenance of the conditions that give the right of access.

How to apply. The application for the provincial birth allowance, for those born or adopted in 2020 for the second year of life or adoption, is submitted to the Provincial Agency for assistance and supplementary pension through the patronage and assistance institutions. social, together with the application for the sole provincial allowance for the period July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 with recognition of the allowance for birth from the thirteenth month of life or adoption. The check is renewed for the third year of life in the presence of the maintenance of the access requirements.
For those born or adopted in 2021 for the second year of life or adoption, the application is submitted together with the application for a single provincial allocation for the year 2022. The requirements to access the birth allowance and the elements for determining the the relative measure is deducted from the application for the single provincial check. The contribution is renewed for the third year of life in the presence of the maintenance of the requirements.

Where to get information? Provincial Complementary Social Security Agency – APAPI Contacts: tel. 0461/493234 – mail [email protected] – ​​web Provincial agency for the family, birth rate and youth policies Contacts: tel. 0461-494110 – mail [email protected] – ​​web Counters of the patronage and social assistance institutes
