Francisco: we are grateful to God for everything, we will bring hope to the world


The prayer of thanksgiving is the central theme of the Pope’s catechesis in the general audience: “We are all born because someone desired life for us. And this is just the first in a long series of debts we incur while living. Debts of gratitude “

Amedeo Lomonaco – Vatican City

“Let’s not forget to be grateful: if we are bearers of gratitude, the world also becomes better, even if it is a little bit, but it is enough to convey a little hope. Everything is united and linked, and everyone can do their part wherever they are ”. In the general audience, from the private library of the Apostolic Palace, Pope Francis exhorts us to cultivate “joy” nourished by the “joy of the encounter with Jesus.” “The devil, on the other hand, after deceiving us, always leaves us sad and alone.” “If we are in Christ – the Pontiff explains – no sin and no threat will prevent us from continuing the journey with joy, together with many fellow travelers.” “At the end of this difficult year – he said greeting the German-speaking brothers and sisters – we may be tempted to see firstly what was not possible and what we lacked. But let us not forget the many, innumerable reasons to thank God and our neighbors. ” (Listen to the report with the voice of the Pope)

Recognize yourself preceded by grace

Recalling the episode of the ten healed lepers, recounted by the evangelist Luke, the Pope emphasizes that only one, a Samaritan, returns to thank Jesus for the grace received. “This story – explains Francesco – divides the world in two: those who are not grateful and those who are grateful; who takes everything as it should, and who accepts everything as a gift, as grace.

The prayer of thanksgiving always begins here: from the recognition preceded by grace. We were thought before we learned to think; we were loved before we learned to love; we were desired before a desire arose in our hearts. If we look at life like this, then “thank you” becomes the guiding motive of our days. Many times we also forget to say “thank you”.

Thankful for the gift of life

“For us Christians – underlines the Pontiff – thanksgiving has given its name to the most essential sacrament that exists: the Eucharist.”

The Greek word, in fact, means just that: thanksgiving. Christians, like all believers, bless God for the gift of life. To live is, above all, to have received life. We are all born because someone has desired life for us. And this is just the first in a long series of debts we incur while living. Debts of gratitude. In our existence, more than one person has looked at us with pure eyes, for free. They are often educators, catechists, people who have carried out their function beyond what is required by duty. And they awakened gratitude in us. Friendship is also a gift to always be grateful for.

“Pray without interruption, give thanks in everything: this is in fact the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit (Saint Paul) “

The encounter with Jesus and the joy of being loved

“This ‘thank you’,” which we must say continually “and that the Christian shares with everyone, expands in the encounter with Jesus”. Referring again to the episode of the ten cured lepers, the Pope emphasizes that the Samaritan, in addition to being cured, also has the certainty of “being loved”.“:

Naturally, everyone was happy to have recovered their health, thus being able to get out of that endless forced quarantine that excluded them from the community. But among them there is one who adds joy to joy: in addition to healing, he rejoices at the encounter with Jesus. Not only is he free from evil, but now he also has the certainty of being loved. This is the core: when you give thanks, you express the certainty of being loved. And this is a great step: having the certainty of being loved is the discovery of love as the force that governs the world.

By abiding in Christ, the world seems more beautiful to us

With this certainty in the heart, everything has a different flavor, another color. “We are no longer wandering travelers who wander from here to there: we have a house, we live in Christ, and from this ‘abode’ – Francis concludes – we contemplate the rest of the world, and it seems infinitely more beautiful. “We are children of love, we are brothers of love. We are men and women of grace.”


After the catechesis, the Pontiff recalled that yesterday an earthquake struck Croatia. And he launched an appeal for the country’s authorities, assisted by the international community, “to soon alleviate the suffering of the beloved Croatian population.” Addressing a cordial greeting to the Italian-speaking deli, the Pope finally wished everyone that “the New Year will be peaceful and fruitful for all desired goods.” “Be heralds in today’s society of the Good News brought by the Angels to Bethlehem.”

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General Audience of December 30, 2020
