What do I need to know before requesting the vaccine?
Fasting is provided only for administrations in a protected environment (for example, for people who have had anaphylactic reactions in the past). At the moment, pregnant women are not covered because there is no data on the risks. Those who received the flu vaccine in the previous two weeks, or who must do so within two weeks afterwards, are recommended to change their vaccination against Covid.
How long does the vaccination last? What should I do after the puncture?
The vaccination operation involves short periods of stay at the vaccination points: “Specifically, an acceptance phase (5 minutes), administration (5 minutes) and an observation period, in a separate and supervised room, of 15 minutes”, explain Loretta Casolari, a hospital and occupational hygiene doctor at the Modena polyclinic, and Vanni Borghi, a retired infectious disease specialist who is part of the vaccination team.
Can adverse reactions occur after administration?
Yes, as with any vaccine. Immediate reactions, such as injection pain or an allergic reaction. The latter can be mild and resolves with antihistamines. Or severe (anaphylaxis): usually occurs immediately and resolves with the intervention of the doctor. Six out of every two million cases are known. Other events in order of frequency: injection pain, low-grade fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes, facial nerve palsy.
How many days should pass between the first and second doses?
“The vaccine is a bell that rings in the home of the immune system, waking it up and activating it against the pathogen. Two more bells awaken ”, says Pierluigi Viale, university professor and director of infectious diseases at Sant’Orsola in Bologna. A booster is needed three weeks after the first dose to increase the immune response.
Do you need new controls after some time?
“We are at the beginning of a story, the first cohort of vaccinated people,” said Professor Viale. So at this stage,
there will be careful post-vaccination surveillance. “The patients will be reevaluated. Probably, for some subgroup of vaccinated, we will do swabs to see if the vaccine prevents disease or even infection. “
Can I consider myself immune after I have done it?
“We can be considered immune after a week of the second dose and, therefore, approximately a month after the first administration”, say Casolari and Borghi. Then it is “protected” in 95% of cases: there are no clinical manifestations related to Covid. “There is still no data on the period of protection against subsequent infection.” But it is known that antibodies from patients remain in the body for 9 to 12 months.
Should I continue to wear the mask after the vaccine?
Absolutely. “We do not know with certainty if the vaccinated can infect or not. We think not, but it has not been tested. Theoretically, therefore, he could be asymptomatic and, even more, he must wear a mask, ”explains Viale. In general, “the vaccinated should carry it more because he is a lucky person who was vaccinated first.”
Will we have a driver’s license after getting vaccinated?
According to the professor, it makes no sense today to talk about an immunity license. “It makes sense to track the vaccinated, but especially to track the unvaccinated. During the next year we will behave with Covid as now in terms of personal behavior, so that whoever has not been able to get vaccinated is not a second-class citizen. And doctors will evaluate patients to understand the impact of the vaccine on the disease.