Do not sign the consent to the vaccine: from the lawyer three rebellious nurses


PADUA They were summoned by the company management for the administration of the Covid vaccine but preferred to delay the appointment by dribbling. Three nurses working at the Abano Nursing Home boarded the Aventine. Before getting vaccinated, they asked their trusted lawyer, lawyer Giorgio Destro, for an opinion. The concerns of the three health professionals are exclusively linked to the signing of the informed consent. A 14-page document that is shown to those directly involved prior to the administration of the vaccine. And that must necessarily be endorsed. “We carefully examined the consent form prepared by Pfizer-Biontech,” observes lawyer Destro, who is following the matter together with his colleague Serena Pomaro, “and we found that it is a disclaimer, which extends not only to the manufacturer of the vaccine. but also to the health personnel in charge of the administration. “The legal expert points a finger at the content of the consent form.” There are at least four sentences – he explains – that leave us at least perplexed: “It is possible that the vaccine does not protect all to everyone who receives it … (page 9), “The vaccine may cause adverse reactions … (the list continues on page 10),” The list of overexposed adverse reactions is not exhaustive of all possible effects undesirable that could occur while taking the Pfizer vaccine (p. 11), “Currently it is not possible to predict long-term harm (p. 11).”

THE SUBSCRIPTION «These formulas – continues the lawyer – confirm that the signing of the informed consent releases the manufacturer from any responsibility for the possible negative consequences derived from the administration of the vaccine. Not only. There is currently no evidence that other Pfizer competitors have required the signing of a similar document. It is likely that to date, given the limited trial period of the vaccine, the manufacturer has some doubts about its true safety. This would explain the obligation to sign the document. As it stands, Destro believes that no employer, public body or private entity can legally claim “the signing of a document that exempts Pfizer and the personnel administering the vaccine from any future liability.” The attorney then suggested that the three nurses send a certified letter to the Nursing Home management confirming their readiness for immediate vaccination but without signing any documents in advance.

Last updated: 10:29

