Precious Prime Minister Prof. Giuseppe Conte,
I am a professor of Natural Sciences in a scientific secondary school in Pescara. I felt the need to write to you to highlight some aspects of my profession that, in my opinion, are not taken into account in this sad period of pandemic.
I am not here to reiterate things that others who are more prepared than I have already stressed, such as the fact that the DAD cannot be considered a “real school”, that it penalizes students belonging to less well-off social classes, than teaching Skill-based is an illusion, because without internalized and reworked knowledge, you can’t go anywhere.
A real attack on the freedom of education is taking place, with the aim of dismantling the current educational system and creating a new school model, introducing new teaching methods and new time models, from which only the ministry bureaucrats weave. praise her. We teachers know that they don’t work.
Nor do I want to stop at the union aspect, which sees my category, without a contract for some time, assuming the never-regulated working methods and the costs of Internet connection, video calls and telephone calls to families, without having the possibility of discounting them. of income, like all other categories of professionals. Not to mention the audiovisual control to which we are now subjected, although art. 4 of the Workers’ Statute that prohibits it.
I am not even talking about the communications from the school leadership, which arrive at all hours and even on holidays, certainly not by the principals, but because the ministry continually produces ambiguous directives and guidelines.
I also neglect all the nonsense proposed about 25%, 50%, 75% DAD. At this point it is much better to continue with the DAD at 100%, until everyone can return safely, also taking into account the fact that the class is now bad, because you have to wear a mask during all class hours, no recreation is allowed. The idea of socialization under these conditions is illusory.
Get to the point. What I want to talk to you about is the human aspect.
In the difficult historical moment we are living in, the sufferings of many professional categories are rightly underlined, from doctors, nurses, merchants, restaurateurs, freight carriers, freelancers. Never anyone who highlights the difficulties that teachers go through.
We are at the forefront, in the front line as doctors and nurses: they face the infection, we try to avoid, in some way, that this generation of young people is wasted.
We are the oldest in Europe and the lowest paid, but the difficulties did not disappoint us, we immediately acted to get our voice to all the students, we tried to reassure them, although we were not at all calm. We have learned to use new technologies and teaching methodologies in a very short time, studying and experimenting. We are suffering considerable psychophysical and emotional stress, totally ignored by all.
The school has not stopped and it has not stopped, not because television programs are offered or teachers are offered online lessons, but because we teachers carry it out professionally.
And don’t come and tell me about unsuspecting teachers. Of course there are, but as in other professional categories. How many doctors deny, or have refused to take serological tests and swabs, claiming that they do not have the preparation to perform them?
Now we are also considered privileged, because we take a secure salary.
Can you imagine what it means to plan and organize your work each time changes are proposed?
We talk about school as if it were an abstract entity, which only needs to press a few buttons to activate it. The school is made up of real people, who get sick or have sick relatives, who are worried about the future like everyone else, who suffer from not being able to give their students everything they want. Fortunately, we have the esteem of families, who have had the opportunity to appreciate our work more closely and give us that gratification that those who do not have children in school cannot understand.
I am very struck by the subordination of the school to the other institutions, I see the problem of public transport, and I am saddened by the attitude of the teachers who do not take initiatives and submit to everything that is proposed.
I want to emphasize another aspect. The schools are not all the same, as the minister seems to believe, not only by order, but also by location.
As for my high school, the teachers and all the staff have always worked, well beyond normal hours, there are no major delays in study programs, and despite difficulties, students learn. We have nothing to recover. When I hear about school on Sundays or in July, I am puzzled, because I understand that the Minister or whoever she is does not know anything about school for her.
Before making certain proposals, a careful analysis of the situation should be made, asking individual managers and not relying on bureaucrats in positions of power, no one knows how.
Claiming that we teachers are in a situation of semi-vacations, as recognized journalists have said, is false and seriously offensive.
Dear President, I therefore ask you to also take charge of our professional category, restoring the dignity it had and blocking legislative initiatives, which tend to penalize the school and further degrade the teacher.
With deep esteem
Maria Adelaide Filograsso