Quartu, Christmas at the Margine Rosso “lights up” Alberto: “Did my house light up? A passion”


It is in Quartu Sant’Elena, precisely in the Margine Rosso district, the home of Alberto “Devoisman”, third place in the lighting contest promoted by Casteddu Online. He worked in the world of events, for many years a vocalist in nightclubs “and now I have my own business, I have tried to slow down a bit, in this sense however I continue to use this name because I like it, especially at this particular moment because of the world of nightclubs. As a former DJ I believe that in the future nightclubs will be able to start over, they have been abandoned for a long time; all my friends are still part of that world, they work there and live from it, they have suffered a lot from this period like so many others activities but unfortunately now is a real meeting, so we need to stop for a moment so that everything is fixed and that they support each other in the best way.

For the multicolored house “the idea was born because I love Christmas, it is the most beautiful time of the year because I always lived it very well when I was little and so as not to forget it, I relive it like this.

Among other things, I live alone, so it’s a bit paradoxical to have a house like this, but I’ve always been passionate about lights.

Every year something is always added to make it better for me and for others ”.
