Germany, more deaths in December than in all of 2020. Disaster in the RSA: the government attacked by the media. Towards the extent of the confinement


me contagion that do not hint to let go, bringing with them a series of deceased May so tall. The breakdown of the dam retirement homes, where in December in Assia you count the86% of the total number of Covid victims. The prospect of an extension of the hard confinement for the whole of Germany and eventually the controversy that come from the right and left press on how the campaign is carried out vaccination. After praise for handling the first wave of the pandemic, the German government 2020 ends more than ever in difficulty. Today at 8 pm the last one will be broadcast live nationally end of the year speech of the chancellor’s political career Angela Merkel, the day that at the site of the image head a frontal attack to his work and to the entire government: “Chancellor, then in 2021 you can’t go on“.

The pandemic continues to rage Germany like never before, despite the hard confinement It has been in effect for two weeks. In the last 24 hours, 32,552 new positives and 964 deaths due to the virus, whose number rises to 33,071 the total number of deaths: on November 30 there were 16,248. It means that Germany only had in December more Covid deaths than during the rest of the year. The media and public opinion wonder why, but the attacks on the Berlin executive mainly refer to the failure to reach the solution: a vaccine for all. Today Mirror writes that the government is “disappointing millions of elderly ”, denouncing chaos in the organization and inconvenience for people seeking to obtain a appointment and get your first dose. Germany has already vaccinated almost 80 thousand people, but not enough: thrown in its jacket in Brussels, after the low blow of the purchase of 30 million extra doses from Biontech (about which there is still no official explanation), the government suffers a very strong internal pressure go to the opposite direction. That’s to continue regardless and have immediately more vials for everyone.

The situation at RSA – The main criticism that the image addresses the government, after the “vaccine chaos”, is the protection of the guests of German Rsa. According to data from the most widely read newspaper in Germany, the plus December Covid dead are patients me Old people who lived precisely in the RSA. In Assia only in December they died 1,043 of a total of 1,216 deaths:86 percent. In North Rhine-Westphalia more than one in two victims (55%) was a resident of a nursing home or retirement home. the Daily mirror, the capital’s most authoritative newspaper, says that a Sedan the same thing happened and reports that only in the first two weeks of December there were nearly 1,400 new cases in the RSA. An alarm that the issuer High and the Southgerman’s newspaper had already been launched earlier this month, when according to theirs verifications there were positive people in Covid in more than a thousand nursing homes and nursing homes for the elderly. Rhineland-Palatinate, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg are the most affected Länder. A month later, the number of deaths confirms the reasons for those worries.

The other factors – German deaths in December are generally a consequence of the boom of positives that Germany has recorded since December: lock light that had been introduced at the beginning of November was not enough to reduce the epidemic curve, while meanwhile also the German tracking -the one that during the first wave had allowed Berlin to keep the virus under control- was definitely jump. The government reaction has arrived only mid december, when the numbers were too high. There is also another possible explanation for the increase in cases and after deaths: the arrival of English variant Covid already since November. And then the case of Saxony, where they are registered more than 70 victims Covid each 100 thousand inhabitants. Without forgetting that the German health system is also in great difficulty due to the constant increase in positives that led to 5,600 occupied places in intensive therapy and a growing number of medici me nurses in turn infected.

The case of the vaccine – Also for this reason the press, of all political colors, attacks the government at the vaccine level. The daily mirror in the newsstands, he denounces that some Berlin hospitals – among those that suffer the most – still do not know when they will receive the first doses Health workers, crucial to immunize staff and power continue healing the sick. The Minister of Health Jens spahn had announced before Christmas the arrival of 1.3 million doses within the end of the year. And then in january 670 thousand doses per week. However, hiding one aspect: the stock of 1.3 million also serves to cover the first 7 days of the new year, it is just an early delivery. A circumstance that runs the risk of creating many problems for vaccination centers that, according to the image, they could also be forced to stop your business for a few days. Without forgetting the failures in the management of Cold chain reported by Bavarian radio the first day of vaccination in Bavaria. The government shows the numbers: already more than 78 thousand vaccinated with the first dose. But it must be accelerated, because criticism no longer comes only from the opposition. “Vaccines are few – complained the powerful Bavarian governor of the CSU Markus Soeder, among the candidates for the candidacy Stationery in 2021 – The rhythm of production must be strengthened“.

The extent of the confinement – Germany faces a regime of “Hard lock” from December 16, after failure of choice ‘light‘. The easing of the measures was originally planned to January 10, but it seems that the German authorities are considering extend restrictions at least another 2 or 3 weeks. Reporting the intentions of the German government is always there Image. According to the German newspaper, I federal leaders me regional discussed in a virtual meeting on December 30 the possibility of extend the block another two or three weeks, at 24 or to January 31. Participants had differing positions on a number of issues relating to current restrictions, in particular the extent of the distance education for schools. On January 5, the Chancellor Merkel he will meet with the governors of the federal states to decide what to do. Merkel previously agreed to lift the lockdown when infection rates fall below 50 cases per 100,000 people, a figure reached so far only in very few areas. “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say May in last 15 years we live a year very difficult and I never looked forward to the new year with so much hope“Said the chancellor anticipating his last speech of end of the year as chancellor.
