Coronavirus, “Italy’s red zone until mid-January and schools still closed.” What Walter Ricciardi knows – Quotidiano Libero


Italy red zone until mid-January and not to the reopening of schools. This is the suggestion of Walter Ricciardi, consultant to the Minister of Health for the coronavirus emergency and, from the beginning, the first of the sanctioners. “To really lower the contagion curve, the only way is long and national closings – Said in an interview with Print -. The red zone now in force should be extended, at least until mid-January, if we want to see positive effects ”. And the same caution should also be adopted for students: according to Ricciardi, it is not necessary to reopen the institutes. “Schools are safe environments, but it is the external situation that does not recommend their reopening. Otherwise we run the risk of closing them in a few weeks“he continued.

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About Vaccine for COVID-19On the other hand, Walter Ricciardi is in favor of freedom of choice. However, he is sure that it will be possible to reach a good percentage of vaccinated people in Italy: “We know that 70% of citizens are not against vaccines, another 25% are doubtful, but they must be clearly informed: end we can reach the 95% coverage. The so-called no vax are an absolute minority ”. On the other hand, it does not admit exceptions regarding doctors and nurses: “For them it is a moral and deontological imperative. I think the recommendation is sufficient for the vast majority, but if that is not enough, they will take it. stronger measuresFinally, citizens might think of a “vaccination follow-up“But only if there were 30 or 40% of the population that rejects the drug.” Receive the vaccination code on your mobile phone and place a special reader at the entrance cinemas, theaters, stadiums and similar venues. Only those who have the code that certifies protection enter “, concluded Ricciardi.
