Big Brother VIP, Dayane Mello disqualified? “But be careful”, the disastrous sentence intercepted – Libero Quotidiano


The obsession with Dayane mello as the physical form could cost the disqualification to the Big Brother Vip. The Brazilian model, much disputed in the house of the reality show Canale 5 presented by Alfonso Signorini, after tactfully criticizing the friend (ex?) Vesco Customs because she was caught eating eggs and bacon at 3 in the morning (Del Vesco had confessed to bulimia problems), she is at the center of the controversy for some phrases directed at the actor. Mario Ermito, among the last competitors registered in the race. “Mario I told you that if you gain another 5 kilos you will obese? Look at the hips and look at the belly, you are close to getting fat. “Kind words, perhaps, which however viewers on social media have pointed out as a perfect example of body shame. A serious accusation that made many ask for his removal from reality.

All terrified, a slaughterhouse explodes.  If it arises ...: disturbing, what did Dayane Mello (really) confess?
