“The discos opened last summer contributed to multiplying the infections by Covid-19. We can no longer afford it, so we will be inflexible in the controls and sanctions.” The line of the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese remains strict, even more so for New Years Eve.
Will there be special controls to avoid holidays?
“We have an impressive array of law enforcement agencies and we are also very focused on monitoring the Internet to prevent them from renting houses where they can meet without respecting rules and distancing.”
According to data from the Ministry of the Interior, citizens respect the regulations, but the epidemiological curve does not drop. What happens?
“We are still in a phase in which other sacrifices will be necessary, behaving with extreme caution but looking confidently at the next crucial months for the vaccination campaign.”
The police are busy with checks and stockpiling vaccines. What worries you the most?
“At the moment there are no particular critical problems, even if I consider unacceptable the non-vax death threats directed at Spallanzani’s nurse who was vaccinated for the first time in Italy. These incidents must be carefully monitored and prosecuted with the utmost rigor. Now that the vaccination campaign is entering its operational phase, the Department of Public Security and the prefects are in charge of adopting plans to escort the transport of the vials and supervise the destination health facilities. But we can make one more contribution: the 310 doctors and 250 nurses from the Central Health Directorate can be used to vaccinate the population, police and firefighters.
She is considered a penalty taker. Is too little being done to contain the risk of contagion?
“The bans introduced by the government on the occasion of these Christmas holidays have been calibrated and for this reason they have been accepted and respected by the vast majority of Italians. On the other hand, the next step would have been that of a generalized confinement that would have sent the whole country back to the difficult months of March and April.
Is there a risk of blockage in January?
“I really hope not. The differentiated territorial closures represent the option not to fall back into a total closure of the entire national territory ”.
Don’t you think that schools, a strategic sector for all states, have been neglected?
“Children have a vital need to deal with teachers and peers on a daily basis that cannot be replaced for long by a computer screen. The reopening scheduled for January 7 for at least 50% of the students attending is a fundamental objective. The prefects have done a valuable job in the organization of public transport and yesterday all confirmed the adoption of operational plans to ensure the resumption of teaching in presence as directed by the government.
Are you concerned about the social stability of the country?
We hope to leave a difficult year behind us, but we are all aware that a crucial phase is beginning to give a concrete perspective of recovery to the families and companies that have suffered the greatest setbacks in 2020. It is necessary to give concrete answers, leaving behind the controversy and divisions also useless to restore confidence to Italians and consolidate the social framework.
Do you think soft drinks are enough?
Snacks and incentives were essential in an initial phase to face the strong economic impact caused by the pandemic, but now we also need investments and medium-term reforms that give perspective to the categories most affected by the crisis and offer a sustainable growth path for our country. “
Femicides increased in 2020. The closing months have aggravated many situations, but don’t you think that the assistance and protection system is inadequate?
«The increase in requests for help from anti-violence centers should convince us of the need to contribute, each in their role, to strengthening the” alarm network. ” The role of the police forces is essential to prevent the phenomenon also by monitoring so-called espionage crimes, such as stalking, family abuse and sexual violence. Femicides represent an endless tragedy, which we must stop with all our might, since unfortunately it also reminds us of the murder of Agitu Ideo Gudeta, the Ethiopian refugee who in Trentino-Alto Adige represented an example and a model of integration “.
«The application is in an advanced testing phase “To protect” which allows operators working in the area to view a summary of previous interventions that may have been carried out in the same family unit. It allows to have information in real time on the presence of minors at home, on the availability of weapons, on the presence of a person addicted to drugs or alcohol, on the previous personal injuries suffered by the victim. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen, but sometimes a single element of knowledge is enough to intercept and request a request for help.
December 30, 2020 (change December 30, 2020 | 23:49)