In the last hours, the trade agreement concluded on Brexit before Christmas by the European Union and the United Kingdom has been officially approved by both parties: the United Kingdom will therefore be able to complete the exit from the European Union at 23: 00 British time tonight. when in Europe it will be midnight.
Yesterday morning the agreement was signed by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, during a short ceremony. The Union has provisionally approved the agreement: at the beginning of January it will be ratified both by the Council of the European Union – a body made up of government representatives of the 27 member countries – and by the European Parliament, which must approve it during a plenary session .
– Read also: Who won with the Brexit deal?
A few hours later, the agreement was also approved by the British Parliament. Both the Conservative Party, which supports the Boris Johnson government, and the Labor Party, the main opposition party, voted in favor in the House. They voted against the Liberal Democrats, the Scottish Nationalist Party (center left) and the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland (center right). At 0.25am UK time on Thursday, the text was also signed by Queen Elizabeth and thus became law.