Hope, back to school is a priority goal
Avoid “campaigning on vaccines, let’s not throw a country’s battle into political chaos and work together.” This is what the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, asks in an interview in the Corriere della Sera, in which he emphasizes that “returning to class is our priority objective.” The Rt index “shows signs of recovery, after the Befana we will have to restore the risk bands model and confirm the basic measurements of the yellow areas,” he adds. The curfew will be maintained, with “restaurants and bars closed at 6 pm, swimming pools, gyms, cinemas, theaters and stadiums closed. We are still in the second wave, London is again taking very tough measures and we still have too many cases and too many deaths. AstraZeneca “is the vaccine that has the closest relationship with our country. I have the utmost confidence in Ema, but there is a delay and we ask for clarity ”. Eight million doses of Pfizer in the first quarter “are safe. I hope that on January 6th Ema will approve Moderna, 1.3 million doses. If then comes the yes to AstraZeneca, many others can come. We are working “to immediately administer 470 thousand weekly doses. Of the six vaccines purchased by the EU commission, Italy is entitled to 13.45%. We have 202 million, plus another 13.5 million from Pfizer, half of which should arrive in the first half and the other half in the second. We are also working on another 10 million Moderna ”. “All data in real time, region by region” will be made public. Regarding the purchase of more doses by Germany, Speranza asks “for clarification. In article 7 of the agreement it is written that the countries renounce bilateral negotiations ”. The Minister of Health defends Commissioner Arcuri: “They mistreated him because syringes cost more, but thanks to those syringes and the authorization of AIFA on the use of the sixth dose, we recovered 20% more of the Pfizer vaccine, which is several millions of euros “. From the Regions it receives “encouraging reports on the participation of health personnel, which has been extraordinary and knows the damage caused by Covid. Voluntariness is the main way, “then” we will evaluate the numbers and the possible exception for some segments, but only as a subordinate. “Coming to Conte’s confrontation with Renzi,” it would be very serious to insert this campaign into political tensions – he says – I must face problems openly, if necessary in Parliament. ”He does not think of a new prime minister:“ Giuseppe has done an extraordinary job and is an essential point of balance in the political relationship between the center-left and the M5S ”.