The “hit” on the checking account: how much do you have to pay now


In 2019, the cost of managing a bill The current one grew 1.6 euros compared to the previous year, reaching 88.5 euros: this is a modest growth when compared to the previous year when spending had increased by 7.5 euros.

Fixed and variable expenses

These are the data published by the Bank of Italy: the survey carried out in 2020 was carried out on 12,705 bank checking accounts and 900 postal checking accounts, selected from 608 bank branches and 45 post offices respectively; the bank account figure includes 698 online accounts that are not transferable to branches.

Expenses permanent, representing around two-thirds of total spending and amounting to 57.6 euros, increased 2.1 euros. The growth is attributable to the basic rates (1.6 euros, 3.9 euros in 2018), for which a higher annual rate was found (from 52.7 to 53.2 euros) and a higher required customer quota the payment of the rent (from 66 to 69 percent; fig. 2 and table A6). “Other fixed expenses” also increased, although slightly more than one euro, which includes heterogeneous and residual services such as maintenance of securities files or periodic settlement.

Expenses variables they fell by just over 0.5 euros, falling globally to 30.9 euros: the largest change is attributed to spending on automatic payments, which decreased by 1.7 euros; in all other cases, the order of magnitude of changes in spending was modest and never exceeded 0.4 euros.

The numbers on the cards. On the other hand, I royalties for credit and debit cards of 1.0 and 0.6 euros respectively: these decreases did not produce significant reductions in spending because the proportion of customers with a credit card (from 36 to 37%) and a debit card (96 to 98%). In addition, the expenses for issuing and managing debit and credit cards other than commissions were 1.7 and 0.5 euros, respectively, the stamp duty was 17.2 euros. Including these items, the cost of managing a checking account amounts to 107.9 euros.

bank accounts

In 2019, the expense of managing a checking account online It was 21.4 euros, 5.9 more than the previous year: the increase was mainly due to higher fixed costs and, among them, higher unit base rents. The cost of online accounts, compared to conventional bank accounts that offer the same services that can be performed online, is at a significantly lower level: the difference in spending, equal to 67.2 euros, is mainly due to a higher rate structure. more convenient than the different composition of the basket of services used.

The expense of managing an account PostcardOn the other hand, it remained substantially unchanged at the figure of 54.1 euros, 0.7 euros less than the previous year. The only appreciable change is attributable to the higher expense for basic rates (1.3 euros), which in turn reflects a slight increase in the rate and a higher percentage of customers required to pay the rate. The cost of managing postal checking accounts is still less than that of bank accounts. The difference, equal to 34.4 euros, is attributable to the cost of fees, “other fixed expenses” and accounting entry expenses.

The novelty of the ICC

As of January 1, 2020, the new provisions on “Ttransparency of banking and financial operations and services“; The changes affect the quantification of the total expense of managing an account, since they make it fall within the new one. Indicator General Costs (the ICC, which replaces the ISC) new expenses. In particular, the fixed costs for the issuance of payment cards include not only the fees, as provided in the drafting of the ISC in force until December 2019, but also the costs of issuing the card. The ICC is calculated net of taxes; however, it clearly shows the stamp duty if it is charged to the consumer.

Finally, the fund provision commission (MDF) applied in the opening contracts of credit in current account it was equal to 1.8% of the credit granted, a modest increase compared to the previous year (1.7%); unit commissions for rapid investigation (CIV), applied in the case of overdrafts and overdrafts, decreased from 20.6 to 17.9 euros. In addition, the percentage of clients exempt from paying the CIV (from 83 to 89%) and MDF (from 40 to 42%) has increased.
