The Ordinance of the Ministry of Health of December 24, 2020, established that, due to the ongoing health emergency, in secondary schools, from the resumption of teaching activities after the Christmas holidays until Friday, January 15, La teaching is guaranteed in the presence of 50% of the student population, while the remaining part will be guaranteed remotely.
The connection of local public transport with educational institutions.
As is known, in fact, the DPCM on December 3 assigned to the Prefects the coordination functions to ensure the effective resumption of didactic activities in the presence of upper secondary schools combined with the capacity of the public mobility system. For this reason, many prefects have already issued, at this time, the “Operational Document for the connection of local public transport with educational institutions” recommending, province by province, also responding to the numerous requests from the Ministry of Education, to differentiate in two time slots, two hours apart, the entrance to the school of the students to limit the overcrowding in public transport and the meetings near the bus stops. The aforementioned Circular, in effect, establishes that “the provision, contained in the document in question, according to which the Regions, in order to carry out operations to locate the infected in the school environment, may agree on indications with those who ensure the necessary connection with educational institutions, competent health authorities in the territory, military authorities and the other components of the national system of civil protection. ”The possibility of evaluating the contribution of transport represents, as everyone knows, a fundamental node and to acquire additional information some prefectures (Milan among them) have arranged an epidemiological study on the school population belonging to secondary schools.
Regional school offices
The regional offices of the schools, in support of these provisions and requests, have already specified that these provisions are implemented in any case from the first day of return from vacation.
The model adopted by some schools
Therefore, in compliance with the Ordinance and the indications of the Prefect, the Director of the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” (Liceo Scientifico Liceo Scienze Apply Liceo Sportivo Liceo Linguistico) of Monfalcone (GO), prof. Vincenzo Caico, a true icon of school management, has already presented a “Calendar of face-to-face teaching and distance learning” that will be implemented from Monday, January 11 to Friday, January 15, 2021. Actually, from the first working day, in some regions is set to January 7, 2021.
“Calendar of classroom and distance teaching”
On the basis of the “Calendar of face-to-face teaching and distance learning”, the Institute classes will follow the lessons in face-to-face mode for approximately 50% of the school population and distance (online) for the remaining 50%
- in compliance with the Regulations for the Institute’s DDI and in accordance with the provisions of the 2020/2021 DDI Plan approved by the Academic Board;
- based on a calendar that must indicate the shifts in the presence of the classes, while on the remaining days the shifts are remote.
The return of lesson hours to classes
The individual class councils, and in particular the interested teachers, will be responsible for the return to the classes of the teaching hours not carried out in person or remotely with teaching activities in asynchronous mode.
The calendar of face-to-face and remote classes is based on the current definitive calendar.
The schedule shows the hours of lessons that will be taught in person, the hours of video lessons and the hours to be returned to classes through teaching activities in asynchronous mode.
Provisions for teaching in presence
The admission of female students to the school and the beginning of the supervision service of the teachers of the first hour of class could be established as follows (operational instructions proposed by the director Vincenzo Caico):
- starting at 7:48 with the start of the lessons at 8:00 for the first time;
- from 9:48 with the start of the lessons at 10:00 for the second schedule.
The departure times of individual classes remain unchanged.
It is not allowed to stand on the sidewalks in front of the school and outside the school during check-in and check-out operations.
School obligations
During the entire duration of their stay at the school, it will be compulsory for the students to wear a surgical mask and maintain an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter, as required by law and, clearly, by each Anti-COVID-Regulation. 19. ‘Institute adopted by educational institutions, with the sole exclusion of outdoor sports activities and in the gym where the interpersonal distance to be respected will be at least 2 meters. However, only non-contact motor activities are allowed.
You will be allowed to remove your eating mask only during breaks if you are sitting in the classroom in your seat. Since it will not be possible to guarantee surveillance outside the buildings, breaks will take place within their own sector with the possibility of leaving the sector only to go to the toilets.
Mask distribution
The masks that the school has received from the Special Commissioner for the emergency will be available daily in classrooms until supplies are exhausted. At school, there will also be dispensers with sanitizer gel. However, students are encouraged to bring a bottle of gel for their own use.
Placement of desks in the classroom
Finally, it is recommended that both teachers and students respect the placement of the desks in the classrooms as indicated by the corresponding stickers so that the correct physical interpersonal distance is guaranteed.
Subdivision of schools into entry / exit gates and sectors
In accordance with the anti-COVID-19 Regulation, school campuses are divided into sectors to which the corresponding entry / exit stairs and gates are assigned. Incoming and outgoing students can only use the stairs and corridor assigned to the sector to which their class belongs. In case of late entry, after 8:00 am, or early departure, it is possible to use the main entrance of the building.
Extracurricular Activities and PCTO
During the term of the Ministerial Ordinance, all afternoon extracurricular activities and PCTO (old school work alternation), will take place online or in person as scheduled, in accordance with the Anti-COVID-19 Regulation of host structures.
Circular model and schedule
The circular model and the timetable model that we propose has been prepared jointly with the Director of the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti”, Liceo Scientifico Liceo Scienze Apply Liceo Sportivo Liceo Linguistico de Monfalcone (GO), prof. Vincenzo Caico.