It is incredible to say: nine consecutive league titles, Juventus has made and is making history. Winning is difficult, winning even more, doing it for the third time is incredible, Conte said and we all repeated it. Then Allegri arrived and there it was, the fourth, incredible, the fifth, mythical, the sixth historical, the seventh, epic, and the eighth, space. Sarri arrived and everyone said: it’s over, but in 2020 Juventus made history in gigantic letters, so big that the rest of the fans are no longer seen, a feat that we will all tell in depth.
In the year of the covid, Juventus won again despite the fact that the number of opposing episodes already last season was out of all logic, despite the fact that the coach was also put against the team by the media, despite having arrived out of breath in the second part of the season.
The 2020/2021 season, then the most difficult in history, still a new coach, a slightly incomplete team, slightly more experienced champions and others very young and with new game ideas.
ALL AGAINST PIRLO -It is clear that Pirlo is not well regarded, sometimes it is difficult for us to support him, because there is a strong prejudice on the part of many, in addition to the desire to see him defeated, like Juventus. The Juventus team is therefore experiencing difficulties, including some anticipated ones, but it is known that Juventus cannot start to finish second.
RED CARDS -It is evident that something strange is happening this season, we have shown it with the numbers, Juventus has the highest percentage of red cards on the total of cards suffered. All this without counting the Var intervened often and voluntarily against and many times disappeared in favor.
CASE SUAREZ – Another thorny case, the one linked to Suárez, really particular accusations that make one think.
FARCE NAPLES – Finally, it is better not to talk about the farce linked to Juventus-Napoli with a team that does not appear and that will be able to play on the most pleasant date, recovering even the injured players from that match, in short, a rarity, Considering the storms Last year the championship was defined distorted because a team did not recover the matches according to the succession of the matches, this year everything was fine.
The general feeling is that nine consecutive league titles for some are enough and that if Juve do not win this year it is good news and good for everyone. We will see if the Bianconeri achieve the miraculous feat of overturning these forecasts, difficult, perhaps impossible, but if Juve becomes Juve again, who knows …
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