
Dozens of questions – many about Renzi, many about the Democratic Party – and none about the M5S that now hides so well behind Giuseppe Conte to the point of even disappearing from the Prime Minister’s end-of-year press conference. Although the prime minister says that this is not the time to decide whether to found a party or lead the Movement, the way seems to be set.
The faida
By defending himself, attacking Iv in ultimatums and downloading the failed wording of the Recovery Fund to the Democratic Party (“we cannot do a disservice to the work of Minister Amendola”), he protects above all that party that he twice indicated for him. Palazzo Chigi. Protection, Conte, that M5S that eleven months ago began a congress that became a permanent internal contest that blocks the election of a new leader, blocks the way for the return of the only possible (Di Maio) to the advantage of the same Conte who has the reservation card in the event of a fall at Palazzo Chigi. Renzi does not give up and is prepared for the January crisis if the prime minister does not resign the delegation on Services or his proposals on Recovery are shattered.
Conte is so convinced that he has Plan B in his pocket, that he grants little or nothing not only to Iv, but also to the Democratic Party, which for weeks has been asking him to show himself at the head of the coalition and solve the majority crisis in course. An intolerance, that of the dem, that Conte is not as interested in nurturing as that of Renzi, who for the Grimoire voter represents the enemy, even if he is temporarily an ally. Therefore, we understand the current and tenacious resistance of the Count himself to the activation of the Month, the failure in the resolution of the highway concessions and the multiple open questions. Disappeared yesterday from the confrontation that took place in Villa Madama, the grillini remain firmly anchored to the ministerial chairs. A patrol super-protected by its “captain” who instead – receiving delegations in recent days – frankly asked Pd, Iv and Leu if they thought of replacing their ministers.
And this explains why the spaces to carry out the reorganization are minimal. The captain-count does not intend to ask anyone from the grid patrol to back off. Rather, it would pose no problems if it were the turn of the Interior Minister, Luciana Lamorgese, to make room if, with a game of small movements, the Renzianos were satisfied. Oltre Conte has no intention of going and, based on the Quirinale’s concerns about a crisis in the dark, he barricades himself in Palazzo Chigi while the Democratic Party is in tension and urges the prime minister to favor a recomposition leading, if it is necessary, the birth of a Conte3.
An arm wrestling aimed at also blocking the launch of the Recovery Fund and condemning the government to get by just when Conte himself says that you have to run, as Brussels requests. There was no stalemate yesterday, so it could be Renzi’s turn to implement his ultimatums by removing Italia Viva ministers from the government and forcing Conte to go to Parliament. The search for those responsible is underway at Palazzo Madama, but the life of the government would still be short and the elections closer. Unless a new majority emerges in Parliament with the help of the center-right. Fearing this could happen, Giorgia Meloni filed a motion of no confidence in an attempt to block the leaks going forward.
From the Quirinal Sergio Mattarella observes with concern the tensions within the majority and scrutinizes the efforts of the former prime minister, convinced that possible solutions are exhausted in this legislature to ensure a government for the country. Obviously, the vote of the Chambers will be respected in the event that they confirm in some form and composition a confidence in the current executive. However, it seems unlikely that he could become the protagonist of new attempts to save the legislature already partially undermined by the constitutional referendum that reduced the number of parliamentarians. At the same time, it seems unlikely that in the event of the fall of the current executive, a new government could be sent to Parliament without a political agreement and seeking patrols of leaders.
Last updated: 08:44