Rt rises to 0.93, still a serious epidemic



Report problem: Rt rises to 0.93, still severe epidemic

The national Rt index rises to 0.93. On the rise for the third week in a row. This is what emerges from the follow-up draft of the control room of the ISS ministry, related to the coronavirus emergency for the reference period 22-27 December and in the possession of Adnkronos Salute.

“The epidemic in Italy remains serious due to a high impact on welfare services. Three regions have a punctual Rt greater than 1 and another 3 have a value close to 1 ”, it is clear from the document. “The Veneto region, in addition to a punctual Rt greater than one, is accompanied by a particularly high incidence,” the report emphasizes.

Iss report: action needed in Calabria, Liguria and Veneto

In particular – the document analyzes – 9 Autonomous Regions and provinces are classified as low risk: 11 are classified as moderate risk, of which three (Emilia-Romagna, Valle d’Aosta and Veneto) have a high probability of progressing at high risk in next month if current transferability remains unchanged. One region (Sardinia) has a risk classification ‘not assessable’ – equivalent to high risk – given the low percentage of completeness of the data “.

The incidence of the epidemic “remains very high and the impact remains in most parts of the country. In addition, a moderate or high risk of an uncontrolled and unmanageable epidemic continues to be observed in most regions.” confirms the need to maintain the line of rigor of the mitigation measures adopted during the Christmas holidays ”.

There is an overall decline in the epidemic’s impact on healthcare services, with occupancy rates for ICU beds and medical areas below the critical threshold across the country for the first time since late October. However, it is observed, still 10 Regions / HAPPs have an employment rate in intensive care and / or medical areas above the critical threshold. Overall, the number of people admitted to intensive care decreased slightly from 2,731 (12/21/2020) to 2,565 (12/28/2020); the number of people hospitalized in medical areas also decreased from 25,145 (12/21/2020) to 23,932 (12/28/2020). This trend at the national level underlies strong interregional variations.

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