After the case that came out yesterday the Spanish nurse tested positive for coronavirus After starting to administer the vaccine to guests of a nursing home, the first case of a nurse infected with Covid arrives from the United States after having received the dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Matthew W.The 45-year-old from California received the vaccine on December 18 and tested positive a few days later.

It was he himself who posted a selfie on Instagram during the administration of the dose: “I have my Covid vaccine! I’ll tell you if I start to grow a third arm, ”he wrote wryly. But on Christmas Eve, Matthew, who works at two different hospitals in San Diego, began to feel bad at the end of his shift at a Covid unit. However, Matthew’s case is neither worrisome nor unexpected: definitive post-vaccine immunity comes one week after the second dose (which is injected three weeks after the first). Therefore, it can happen that you get infected between doses.
Last updated: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 15:10