From the government a new draft of the Recovery plan with the schedule. Italia viva: “We are not in the content, an abyss separates us”


The government has prepared a new draft recovery plan, the plan structured in 52 projects for the use of approx. 200 billion euros from European funds. But not even the new document, dated December 29 satisfies Alive italy, who meanwhile delivered a critical document to the previous draft to the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri, remains dissatisfied despite the confirmation of the increase in “additional” funds compared to “replacement” funds: “We are not involved in the content , we are separated by abyss. We sent 30 pages, a modified draft recovery plan after Renzi’s press conference and I arrived last night“Say the Renzians. Even if in its 30 pages only means, medium is dedicated to hello plan announced by Matteo renzi. For his part, Chigi speaks of a “positive” climate: during the Renzian delegation’s meeting with Gualtieri, there was “a fundamental disagreement on Iv’s proposal to use all the loans for additional projects” because “increasing the debt would be incompatible with the aim of paying off the debt that the EU continues to signal to Europe ”, but regarding the proposals the intention is to continue with the comparison.

The new draft of Palazzo Chigi confirms the guidelines and figures in principle, with some presentations and some additional specifications on how to use sums. The truth Advertisements is that the document is organized as requested by the Commission with the individual project schedule and the indication, as requested by the EU, of “milestones” (milestones) and targets (objectives). The proponents, implementers and the nature of the expenditure are indicated, whether investments, reforms or incentives. The impact on the green transition and digitization also appears. On the other hand, all the more discursive part contained in the draft of December 7 is missing. Therefore, the reference to prescription reform.

The retouched document down, from 24.8 to 21.7 billion the endowment of Transition 4.0, which are the incentives for companies to convert production in a sustainable way. They also go to business 450 million intended for interventions for the internationalization of companies. Nine hundred millions take off towards “Space economy”, in the form of financial incentives to encourage investment in the aerospace sector. Then there are 450 million, a little less than the 600 million planned, to develop the microchip sector. Others 5 trillion go, according to previous drafts, to the “Patent box “, that is, concessions for income derived from intellectual property.

The Ministry of Economy will invest 4.7 billion euros for the development of digital payments with which the government also intends to reduce the level of tax evasion. The revised draft states that “the investment includes initiatives aimed at reducing the use of cash and encouraging the dissemination of digital payment tools (eg Cashback, receipt lottery, etc.), as well as a communication plan to promote” use these tools and provide insight into the value of digital payments. “The plan is part of the larger chapter.”Digitization and Innovation “ which is totally worth 46 billion.

By culture me tourism there is a total of 3.5 billion between interventions restoration in the main cities, improvement in the use of all the Italian cultural heritage between digitization and the elimination of physical barriers, new studios to attract new film productions, remodeling of the historical centers of the towns but also of the suburbs and a push towards slow tourism that also happens for the recovery of historic railway lines. The heaviest chapter, 890 million, refers to the strengthening of the strategic plan of great tourist and cultural attractions that will be used for the restoration and rehabilitation of complexes of high historical-architectural value in 9 cities: Venice, Trieste, Turin, Milan, Genoa , Florence. , Rome, Bari and Palermo.

Confirmed a 6.3 billion the amount available for sustainable agriculture and the circular economy. By strengthening the school teaching and the right to education are allocated 10.6 billion as already foreseen in the first version of the document. According to previous forecasts, the protection of the territory and the defense against hydrogeological instability are assigned 9.4 billion.

I also confirmed 9 billion modernize and strengthen the national health system in terms of proximity care and digitization, to which, however, as Gualtieri announced in recent weeks, approximately 7 billion must be added for the restructuring of hospitals. And 750 million will be used to strengthen the personnel and equipment of the judicial system.
