The Covid epidemic in Italy remains “still serious due to a high impact on welfare services”. the draft of the monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of Health. Three Regions (Veneto, Liguria, Calabria) have a Rt on time greater than 1, therefore compatible with a type 2 scenario (zone orange), another 3 (Basilicata, Lombardia and Puglia) exceed it in the average value, while another three are close to it (Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche).
For Veneto, therefore, the risk is to be in the orange zone after January 7.
Today’s newsletter, December 30
Although there is a decrease in the incidence at the national level in the last 14 days (305.47 per 100,000 inhabitants vs 329.53 per 100,000), cIn general, the incidence remains very high and the impact of the epidemic still remains in most of the country.. Furthermore, a moderate to high risk of an uncontrolled and unmanageable outbreak is still observed in most regions / ASF. This confirms the need to “maintain the line of rigor of the holiday period measures.”
Read also> Coronavirus in Italy, the bulletin of December 30: infections go back, 16,202 with 575 deaths. Almost 20 thousand recovered
In the period from December 8 to 21, 2020, the mean transmissibility index Rt calculated in symptomatic cases was equal to 0.93 (range 0.89 – 1.02) slightly higher in the last three weeks. The regions Calabria, Liguria and Veneto they have a punctual Rt compatible with a type 2 scenario. This “is of special concern and for this reason we urge you to consider the application of the planned measures, for the attributed risk levels, even at the end of these holidays”.
Here is the table showing the indicators of the point RT related to December 21-27 updated on 29.
Veneto: 1.07. Abruzzo: 0.65. Basilicata: 1.09. Calabria: 1.09. Campania: 0.78. Emilia Romagna: 0.98. Friuli vg: 0.96. Straight: 0.84. Liguria: 1.07. Lombardy: 1. Brands: 0.99. Molise: 0.89. Piedmont: 0.71. PA Bolzano: 0.76. PA Trento: 0.71. Apulia: 1. Sardinia: 0.78. Sicily: 0.93. Tuscany: 0.79. Umbria 0.8. Aosta Valley: 0.83.
There is a generalized decrease in the impact of the epidemic on health care services, with occupancy rates for ICU beds and medical areas below the critical threshold nationwide for the first time since the end of October. However, still 10 Regions / HAPPs have an employment rate in intensive care and / or medical areas above the critical threshold.
Overall, the number of people admitted to intensive care is decreasing slightly from 2,731 (12/21/2020) to 2,565 (12/28/2020); the number of people admitted to medical areas also decreased as they passed from 25,145 (12/21/2020) to 23,932 (12/28/2020). This trend at the national level, however, is underlined in the monitoring draft of the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health, underlying strong interregional variations.
“The increased mobility and interpersonal interaction typical of sociability this season could result in a significant increase in the transmission of SARSCoV-2.” We read in the draft of the weekly monitoring. “This would lead to a consequent rapid increase in cases to levels potentially higher than what was observed in November in a context in which the impact of the epidemic on health workers, services and the population remains significantly high.”
«Maintain the drastic reduction of physical interactions between people, avoid all occasions of contact with people outside your own home they are not strictly necessary and stay home as long as possible. These are the indications contained in the draft. The document recommends complying with all security measures, including quarantines of close contacts of verified cases and isolation of the cases themselves.
Last updated: 23:15