Covid, the vaccine exists but the measures remain in 2021: Ricciardi speaks


Walter Ricciardi warns that despite the arrival of the vaccine in 2021, anti-contagion measures must be maintained with reference to Covid

In 2021 comes the vaccine But this does not mean that there must be a kind of ‘free all’ and an attention attraction to behavior to stop coronavirus. This in summary Walter Ricciardi, Advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Cattolica, informed Ansa about the guidelines that will be maintained throughout the coming year.

“The start of the vaccination campaign does not mean that our behavior will change with regard to protection against the virus: for all of 2021 the measures will remain the same as now, from physical distancing to masks, through hygiene of hands. But with vaccines we will begin to have less dead and less sick and that reassures everyone, ”explained Ricciardi.

“We must follow a double precaution – he added – vaccinate ourselves and follow the appropriate rules of conduct. On the other hand, the situation, despite the forecast that the vaccination campaign will travel at full speed in the coming months, is still far from rosy. The danger of the so-called third wave in January-February continues to scare.

Many experts are of the same opinion as Ricciardi, for example l‘the infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti, who in the last hours, interviewed by AdnKronos, used words very similar to those used by Minister Speranza’s advisor. In summary, he explained that we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, but that tunnel is still to be traveled in the final section. A trait that could still cost a lot in terms of infections and victims.

According to Bassetti, the third wave “is inevitable.” It remains to be seen how hard it will hit Italy.

“In many regions there are still many Covid patients in the hospital – Bassetti recalled – Thanks to the vaccine we see the light after 9 months, but today we must all commit to applying the measures we know.”

VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-30-2020 15:16

Covid vaccine, who is in favor and who is against the obligation

Photo source: ANSA

Covid vaccine, who is in favor and who is against the obligation
