Tomorrow we go back to the red zone. New Year’s Eve with curfew until 7 o’clock and self-certification returns (here is the pdf) – Il Tempo


Italy is back tomorrow Red zone. Since Thursday December 31 to January 3 inclusive and in the days of January 5 and 6 (On the 4th the restrictions of the orange zone return) the most severe measures decided in the last dpcm of the government are resumed. Allowed on displacements just for work, health and need, be motivated with self-certification (download here). Only one movement per day allowed outside the municipality but within the same region in visit family or friends for a maximum of two people with children under 14 or disabled living together. Closed shops, bars and restaurants that operate for take out and delivery only. Curfew from 10pm to 5am, with the exception of New Years Eve, which will see the ban run until 7am on January 1st.

Self-certification to download

As toself certification It will be necessary to complete the form in its entirety (with name and surname, personal data, identification document and data, telephone number), also declaring under your own responsibility to know the measures, limitations and sanctions provided by law in this regard. to the coronavirus emergency. It is essential to fill in the field dedicated to the reason for the move with the addresses of the place of departure and destination. Finally, keep in mind that the form must always be signed by the declarant.
