In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 2,083,689 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 16,202, + 0.7% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +11,224), while I deaths today I am 575, + 0.8% (yesterday they were +659), for a total of 73,604 victims since February. People retrieved or downloaded I am 1,445,690 usually: 19,960 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 1.4% (yesterday they were +17,044). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be in total 564,395, equal to -4,333 compared to yesterday, -0.8% (yesterday they were -6.493). There decrease in current positives today – with the minus sign in front – it depends on the cured, added to the deaths, being in greater numbers than in the new cases.
me tampons They were 169,045, or 40,305 more than yesterday when they were 128,740. While the positivity rate 9.6% (9.58% approximation): means that of every 100 swabs performed, more than 9 were positive; yesterday it was 8.7%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
More infections in 24 hours than the day before, compared to various pads. The new cases are above 10 thousand for the second consecutive day – after two days below this threshold -, with the Veneto which always has the highest number of new infections (+ 2,986) and in increase compared to yesterday. I hope the situation in Veneto is not some kind of background to what we can expect in terms of recovering from the disease in January, Massimo Galli, head of infectious diseases at Milan’s Sacco Hospital, told Open on Rai3. One step into the New Year, one wonders: when will we get back to normal?
If yesterday were only two regions with an increase of four digit cases, today There are seven, including the aforementioned Veneto. That is, in descending order, Veneto (+ 2.986), Lombardy (+1,673), Apulia (+1,470), Emilia romagna (+1,427), Lazio (+1,333), Sicily (+1,084) e Piedmont (+1,046). All the others report an increase to two or three numbers. From the comparison with the data of the previous day (see detail below) it can be seen that the growth involved the entire national territory.
Victims are declining. Second a joint Istat and Iss report, In the February-November period, it is estimated that there are 84,000 more deaths than the average for the 2015-2019 period. These are Covid deaths and not. Of these 84,000, in the first wave (March-May) the deaths were 50,000, of which 45,000 in the North. Deaths, however, caused by the virus in the same time period were 57,647 (69% of the total excess). In addition, the data shows that 60% of deaths from viruses correspond to people over 80 years of age. In percentage from the end of February to November i Deaths from covid represent 9.5% of the total of the dead of the period, says the report.
Pressure on the healthcare system is easing. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I am -96 (-270 yesterday), for a total of 23,566 hospitalized. While the most seriously ill of intensive care (YOU) I am in total 2,528: -twenty-one the beds occupied in intensive care (yesterday -16), but I’m +175 people join IT (yesterday +256), and Campania did not provide this data.
Medical care is no longer alert. From the weekly data from Agenas (National Agency for Regional Health Services) updated as of December 28, Hospitals no longer exceed the critical threshold for the number of people receiving treatment.. The places occupied in intensive care units are 30% of those available, that is, they are precisely at the defined alert threshold, without exceeding it, as happened for many weeks. The number of occupied beds in ordinary hospital wards has fallen to 37% since last week, below the alert threshold of 40%.
Here all the newsletters from February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
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The cases Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are the total number of cases (number of people found positive since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and cured). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase with respect to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.
Lombardy 475,044: +1,673 cases, + 0.3% (yesterday +843)
Veneto 249,075: +2,986 cases, + 1.2% (yesterday +2,655)
Piedmont 196,461: +1,046 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +840)
Campania 188,119: +930 cases, + 0.5% (yesterday +625)
Emilia romagna 169,396: +1,427 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +894)
Lazio 161,284: +1,333 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +1,218)
Tuscany 119,696: +460 cases, + 0.4% (yesterday +271)
Sicily 92,345: +1,084 cases, + 1.2% (yesterday +995)
Apulia 89,303: +1,470 cases, + 1.7% (yesterday +749)
Liguria 59,997: +415 cases, + 0.7% (yesterday +305)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 49,150: +803 cases, + 1.7% (yesterday +493)
Market 40,921: +585 cases, + 1.4% (yesterday +508)
Abruzzo 34,858: 278 + cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +47)
Sardinia 30,745: +328 cases, + 1.1% (yesterday +116)
PA Bolzano 29,234: +220 cases, + 0.8% (yesterday +91)
Umbria 28,660: +347 cases, + 1.2% (yesterday +161)
Calabria 23,518: +449 cases, + 1.9% (yesterday +163)
PA Trento 21,520: +197 cases, + 0.9% (yesterday +175)
Basilicata 10,679: +113 cases, + 1.1% (yesterday +68)
Aosta Valley 7,244: +14 cases, + 0.2% (yesterday zero for recalculation)
Molise 6,440: +44 case, + 0.7% (yesterday +7)
Article updating …
December 30, 2020 (change December 30, 2020 | 17:33)