“As of mid-October 2020, the effects of the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic on total mortality are becoming increasingly evident. In absolute terms, an increase in deaths from all causes is estimated for the months of October and November 2020 of more than 31,700 units “. Thus Istat and the Higher Institute of Health in the report “Impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the total mortality of the resident population period January-November 2020”. A ranking in which Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta are respectively in second and first place. Even yesterday in Piedmont, due to the drop in patients admitted to intensive care, deaths were 56. Thus, they rose to 7,860 since the beginning of the pandemic.
Coronavirus, finally hospitalized in intensive care below 200. Deaths are increasing: 56
The second wave, Iss and Istat explain, is characterized in October by an excess of total deaths of 13% both in the North and the Center-South, while in November the excess mortality in the North stands out (+61 , 4%), compared to the Center (+39.3) and the South (+ 34.7%).
In many northern regions, the excess total mortality in November exceeds that of the March-April peak: the record is in Valle d’Aosta (+ 139% compared to +71 in April), then there is Piedmont (+ 98% in November compared to +77 in April), Veneto (+ 42.8% compared to + 30.8% in April) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (+ 46.9% against +21.1). The increase in deaths recorded in November is less than that observed in the first wave of the epidemic only in Lombardy (+ 66% in November compared to +192 in March and +118 in April) and in Emilia Romagna (+34.5 % compared to +69 in March).