
me contagion grow up and emergency shutdown It seems that it is no longer enough. In Europe the COVID-19 is regaining strength now everywhere: from France, which is attempting to implement a longer curfew, by UK which has once again broken the record for daily infections. And meanwhile for him GermanyToday is the saddest day: 1,129 victims have been in mourning in the last 24 hours and the possibility of reopening is definitely eliminated. “1,129 families will experience the transition to the new year of mourning – just commented the German Health Minister, Jens Spahn, reporting the record of deaths recorded today by the Robert Koch Institute – these data show how much this virus can affect brutally. I don’t see how we could go back to a pre-lock mode after January 10. ” Even in the U.S the peak is out of control and inLatin America certainly not better: just the Brazil has exceeded 7.5 million infections. The continuous restrictive measures and blockades implemented do not seem to have positive effects either.
Vaccine, the American nurse: “Eight days after the dose I tested positive for Covid”
Covid, local outbreaks are now returning to Beijing: mini shutdowns, mass testing, and no New Years parties
What’s going on?
«Unfortunately, the lock does what it can, he explains. Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist at the University of Milan and medical director of Irccs Galeazzi di Milan – The problem is always asymptomatic, there are many and they represent one of the main characteristics of this virus: with the restrictions we are only trying to mitigate infections, to reduce the contagion capacity. After all, these are experimental measurements, we are mediating».
The cabin of virus transmission is linked, in fact, above all to the asymptomatic and with the restrictive measures we are trying to apply the general principle of combating Covid: that is, reducing human contacts, which are all potential risks. An asymptomatic person does not know, in fact, that he can transmit the virus, therefore, only by following the anti-Covid rules can one try to avoid risks.
Why is the increase in infections registered right now?
«Probably – explains I pray – We are experiencing an increase in infections linked to pre-Christmas activities: the small openings in early December and the fact that, in a festive environment, people have a tendency to lower their guard is causing an increase in infections . So in mid-January we will see the effects of Christmas: if there has been a general relaxation we could go towards the third wave, around January 15. The fight against Covid is not a sprint but a marathon: if you relax too much you will not reach more».
Could it be the fault of the cold or the seasonal flu?
«Thermal changes surely reduce the body’s ability to defend itself, weaken us, and therefore the virus finds fertile ground. For now, the seasonal flu remains under control: it is not emerging substantially, also thanks to the use of masks and the spacing».

Last updated: 15:27