The night of New Year 2021 will go down in history by the many rules and prohibitions that the Government has introduced to contain the spread of the coronavirus. From the time of curfew, from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., until the restrictions of displacements and at the launch of botti. In particular, the Ministry of the Interior has already announced strict controls on the main highways and national highways.
Since December 31, 2020, in fact, Italy falls into the red zone and therefore returns mandatory self-certification for any trip, even just shopping. It is prohibited to move within the Municipality itself except for reasons of work, health or necessity, with the sole exemption to travel to friends or family at most once a day.
To this end, the Police will be active in the area to verify compliance with the regulations on motor vehicle traffic, compliance with the[prohibitionofthrowingoutNewYearbarrelsandpossibleinfractionsoftheremaining[fundilanciodeibottidiCapodannoesullepossibiliviolazioniall’orariodicoprifuoco[prohibicióndearrojarbarrilesdeAñoNuevoyposiblesinfraccionesdeltoquedequeda[divietodilanciodeibottidiCapodannoesullepossibiliviolazioniall’orariodicoprifuocoWhat are violators risking?
New Years Eve 2021: strict controls on the roads
The Ministry of the Interior has planned motion controls – especially by car – in view of the New Years Eve 2021. People seated inside the cars will be controlled and the maximum number of two adults on board will be met.
We remind you that the only exception for travel, in addition to work, health or need reasons, refers to the possible visit family or friends, to be carried out once a day between 5 and 22. However, car journeys can be made in numerous maximum two people – net of children under 14 years of age and non-self-sufficient people – towards a non-cohabiting family unit. In addition, the passenger must sit in the car next to the driver and, if not living together, must wear a mask for the duration of the trip. I will need to bring the self-certification with you.
Even the inhabitants of municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants will have the opportunity to travel within a radius of 30 km, avoiding reaching the provincial capitals.
In addition to the displacement problem, the controls will also be inflexible regarding end of the year fireworks and the violation ofcurfew time. Finally, the police will also focus on monitoring any unauthorized private parties in villas or bed & breakfasts rented for the occasion.
What risks do those who violate the curfew run?
Along with the controls, the Ministry of the Interior also ordered the application of heavy penalties for violators of the rules established by the Christmas Decree.
In particular, for all those who violate the established curfew from 22 to 7, they are provided fines from a minimum of 400 euros to a maximum of 1,000 euros.
The only ones valid reasons to travel after 10 pm they are linked to work, health or need. You can also go out to go to the doctor, the pharmacy or to assist a family member, but only if the move cannot be postponed until the next morning.
What do those who make the barrels risk?
There are many Italian cities where New Year’s barrels have been banned: even in this case, offenders could face sanctions.
The amounts vary from one city to another, but in general we can say that the fines for those who will make the barrels on New Year’s Eve are around between 500 euros and 5,000 euros.
Fines increased by up to a third: when applied
Not everyone knows that the fines applied to violators of the travel rules can increase up to a third of their value in some particular cases. Therefore, a third of the value is added to the usual penalty of between 400 euros and 1,000 euros “if the offense is caused by the use of a vehicle”.
This means that if a citizen travels by car from one region to another without a justified reason (work, health or need), he runs the risk of incurring a penalty increased by one third of the normal value. It will be possible to return to the Regions included in the yellow band as of January 7, 2021.