The president of the Scientific Technical Committee: “It is useless to talk about the third wave, we are still in the middle of the second. Still worrying numbers”
ROME – When the last day of this cursed 2020 looms on the horizon, the most recurring question is what will happen after January 6, when the special provisions currently in force to contain the Covid epidemic during the Christmas season expire.
As declared by the president of the government’s technical scientific committee, Agostino Miozzo, Italy will resume the system of the three colors red, orange and yellow depending on the trend of infection.
“As of January 7, nothing more is expected than we are today – said Miozzo – It is useless to talk about the third third wave we are in the middle of the second. Conditions in a week no will be very different: the contagion curve is still very high, the numbers are still decidedly worrying. We should expect these holiday bans to have a positive effect on the trend of the curve. But right now I don’t have much hope that, between now and January 7, we will arrive with a situation like June or July. It is probable that on January 7 there will still be an Italy of 3 colors ”.
At this point, the great unknown is only one: the government will decide to keep the restrictions in force until December 23 or will modify them at least in part, especially with regard to some economic categories such as restaurants and pizzerias, which are still forced to close . at 18.
As for swimming pools, gyms, theaters and cinemas, it is now taken for granted that the possible reopening initially hypothesized by the government around January 15 will be postponed to another date, perhaps January 31, perhaps mid-February.