The first Minister Giuseppe Conte at the end of the year press conference a Villa Madama with the president of the Order of Journalists, Carlo Verna, he accepts the many crosses of his government. “We need answers about recovery plan, open discussions with the social partners and the various forces. I hope a climate of collaboration to reach a synthesis as soon as possible, “said the premier about European funds. At the beginning of January the confrontation” with the opposition, in “mid-February” the final plan of the plan could arrive. Nex generation Eu. “We have a few days” available “we can’t floatConte admits that he expects a quick “political synthesis”.
In government verification the message reaches Matteo renzi: “everyone will have to assume their own responsibilities.” “This is a political government” that has given Italy, in the war against Covid, “great credibility that should not be dispersed. We cannot allow ourselves to float, to move forward in this climate of suspended action. The risk,” adds the premier . answer a question about government verification – is that we lock ourselves in a building and abstract discourses emerge. We must face each other on the merits and we will all be called to assume our responsibilities ”. But he is willing to ask for confidence in Parliament, perhaps in the recovery plan, ask journalists to remember the “challenge” of Matteo salvini. “I don’t challenge anyone. They will always be there clear and frank passages in Parliament“Singular for a premier who ruled with blows Dpcm while the opposition complains that it has never been called upon to contribute to the anti-Covid measures and against the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.
Not only that, the paradox it’s obvious. “The contempt of Parliament is a constant of this government. Today Conte, instead of being here in the Senate, where we are passing his bad budget bill, is putting together his New Years show. We invite you to suspend it and come to this chamber immediately. “Said Licia Ronzulli, vice president of the Forza Italia senators, during the debate on confidence in the budget law.