Veneto risks ending up in the orange or red zone in 2021


Veneto, data in hand, is Italy’s great coronavirus patient. Yesterday there were another 2,655 positive cases for a total of 246,089 from the beginning of the emergency until today. However, according to the latest Azienda Zero bulletin, the number of hospitalized remains unchanged: 3,395 (+1 in the last 24 hours). Instead, a sad record of deaths, 191, bringing the total to 6,298 from February 21 to today.

Because Veneto risks the orange zone

Yesterday’s figure on deaths from covid in Veneto, “It seems like a record, but many victims were ‘loaded’ into the system after days.”, said yesterday the Venetian Councilor for Health, Manuela Lanzarote, during the press conference of the Marghera civil protection office. The risk now is that if Veneto has so far stayed in the game with the government suspended on December 23, it will change from yellow to orange.

Thought Chrysanthemums

The return of the zone system had also been announced in recent days by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, while the thesis of a Veneto in which they are more positive because more tests are done was rejected by Andrea Crisanti, who with the board de Zaia and his experts have had an account open for some time, together with the thesis of the English variant: “So far, Veneto has made 36 complete sequences of the virus and none correspond to the English variant. So if “pieces” of viruses have been sequenced, and it seems that some share mutations, it does not mean that we are in the presence of the English variant and that this is responsible for the infections in Veneto ».

The figures for the Region “are linked to the yellow zone, with greater circulation of people, which favors the transmission of the virus. The more people get sick, the more people die, as a probability. The other element is linked to the quick swabs, which have a low sensitivity and have allowed RSA to become infected, “Crisanti told L’aria che tira in recent days.” The focus was on quick swabs, the staff of RSA was “screened” with quick swabs and in RSA we have unprecedented infections. The more swabs are done, in theory, the more the chain of transmission is interrupted, but this must be followed by the decrease in cases and deaths. unprecedented increase in cases and deaths ”.

Red ghost

But if the numbers don’t improve, as the Corriere del Veneto predicts, the color of our region could even change to red. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss) had already suggested to Governor Zaia to impose new restrictions, but was waiting for the government’s options for the holidays. The ISS targeted local red zones, a further reduction in the opening hours of bars, restaurants and patisseries, the limitation of the mobility of the population in the most affected areas and the promotion of smart work. But now there is a new piece of information on the table: places in intensive care.

