What reopens in January (and which regions are at risk of the red or orange zone)


Few days left. The effects of decree law n. 158 on December 2 and the Dpcm on December 3, while on January 7 the restrictions of Christmas 2020 that brought Italy to the red and orange zone “stumbling” cease. What will happen next? What activities will be able to reopen and in what areas will the Italian regions be located?

What reopens in January (and which regions are at risk of the red or orange zone)

First of all, it must be remembered that the latest report from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the ministry reported that nine regions are at moderate or high risk in the coronavirus emergency. In particular, five regions (Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Umbria and Veneto) are classified as high risk; 12 with moderate risk, of which four (Emilia-Romagna, Molise, Autonomous Province of Trento and Valle d’Aosta) have a high probability of progressing with high risk in the next month if the current transmissibility does not change. In total, therefore, there are nine regions at risk, namely Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Umbria, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Molise, the autonomous province of Trento and Valle d’Aosta.

Among these, the one that continues to suffer the worst is Veneto, so much so that today some newspapers predict the orange zone as of January 7, also due to a “recalculation” of the positions occupied in intensive care that, however, the director General of Health rejects. Whereas Abruzzo, which was the only region left in the orange zone in a yellow Italy on the eve of the holidays, should regain the zone with less restrictions. But the system will continue: the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, said it a few days ago. And the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee Agostino Miozzo also confirmed it in an interview with Radio Capital: “It is useless to talk about the third wave, we are still in the middle of the second wave. In a week the conditions will not be very different from those of today: the contagion curve is still very high, the numbers are still very worrying. We must hope that these bans during the holidays will have a positive effect on the trend of the curve. But at the moment I do not have high hopes that from the current state January 7 comes to a situation like June and July of this year. It is likely that after January 7 there will still be an Italy in color “.

Instead, Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino hospital in Genoa and a member of the Covid-19 crisis unit of Liguria, spoke explicitly of the arrival of the third wave: “With the arrival of the vaccine” . Covid “is not the time to lower your guard, on the contrary, it is precisely the time when you should get up and pay close attention. It is essential to always wear a mask, wash your hands and maintain a safe distance. I think, As already mentioned, the third wave will be inevitable. Perhaps it will be the resumption of the second one that we have not yet emerged from. ”While the virologist at Milan State University Fabrizio Pregliasco was even more pessimistic:“ On the one hand, the lockdown is showing the most it can do in the way it has been achieved so far. We should make it tighter to get more than that. add that bit of laxity that may have been in the holidays we are living, everything runs the risk of materializing in a short time in a third wave, or rather a growing wave of the epidemic ”.

In January a new decree law and a new Dpcm

However, the government foresees the reopening of some activities in January, together with the decree law and the Dpcm that will replace those in force until the 15th. As for schools, there is already a date, January 7, for the resumption of attendance frequency to 50%. And just yesterday at the CTS meeting, experts from the Ministry of Health acquired the document from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, the agency that monitors viruses, according to which the school is not a source of Covid outbreaks and the risks. they are less than the consequences of a prolonged shutdown.

Then there are the productive activities. For bars and restaurants, the system of yellow, orange and red zones will remain in force, so that stores may open until 6 in the afternoon if they are in areas with fewer restrictions or they may only carry take-away and home services in the other cases. As for sports and stadiums, yesterday Minister Spadafora in Agorà gave hope: “I think it is possible, although with some limitations, to reopen gyms, swimming pools and dance centers at the end of January.” For the stadiums, however, we will have to wait a few more months. Instead, write today The messenger, there are good hopes for cinemas, theaters and museums.

The idea is to replicate the scheme implemented last May when museums immediately reopened while cinemas and theaters had a month to reorganize. This time, however, with protocols and procedures already known, the difference could be reduced to 15 days. In practice, museums, with mandatory entry quotas and reservations, could reopen from the day after the expiration of the current Dpcm, that is, from January 16. Different speeches for cinemas and theaters that, therefore, like gyms and swimming pools, will probably see the horizon of reopening slide until the end of the month.

But even here, it will be necessary to first assess the emergency numbers. Which still do not show the fall in infections that had been seen last spring. And that at that time had generated a feeling of “Free everything” that we paid with the second wave of October.
