Political reactions to Agitu’s violent death are also coming in these hours.
“The pain of losing Agitu Ideo Gudeta is immense,” he wrote in a note. Lucia Coppola of the Greens of Trentino. «Free and intelligent woman, wise and strong. Brave and full of vital energy and positivity. His death is a defeat for our Trentino, a land of welcome and respect. Pain and despair make our hearts clench. A smile faded, the bright African sun. The power and strength of a special person. Love for the land and animals. The meeting of cultures, the intelligence of material knowledge together with that of the spirit. An extraordinary sensitivity and a lot of beauty. Our hearts, the hearts of so many women and men of good will, beat for her tonight. And tremble and suffer this immense injustice. We hope that the ongoing investigations will shed some light on the causes of his death, ”Coppola concludes.
Writes the president of the Regional Council, Roberto Paccher: «Dismay and horror are the first feelings that hit the entire town of Trentino upon learning of the horrible murder of Agitu Ideo Gudeta, the Ethiopian-born shepherd who had found his full integration in Trentino.
At the end of this terrible year, the sad reality of gender violence and femicide returns.
In memory of this young hard-working entrepreneur and woman of courage, I want to strongly emphasize the need to continue a relentless fight against violence against women, a disease that will only be defeated with a joint response from all. Stop violence against women!
A thought of condolences to Agitu who graduated and then vowed to follow her dream, crushed by an ignoble and violent hand.