Agitu Idea Gudeta, the Ethiopian shepherd from Frassilongo, was beaten to death


Agitu Idea Gudeta, the 42-year-old Ethiopian shepherd living in the Mocheni Valley She was found dead in her home yesterday afternoon, shortly after 6 p.m.

After the discovery of the body, they arrived at the scene. the Carabinieri of Borgo Valsugana cHe immediately opened the murder investigation.

The woman was brutally hammered to death and they found her lying on the floor of her bedroom with her head crushed at the level of her left temple.



At night, the attention of the police involved in the investigations was immediately focused on an employee of the woman, a Ghanaian foreigner who is strongly suspected of being the perpetrator of the murder. (here his confession at night)

The two had recently had money fights. The employee interrogated for hours by the military has not yet admitted that it was he who killed the woman.

However, there are other open hypotheses. The Carabinieri are trying together with forensics to reconstruct the exact dynamics of his death. It is absolutely excluded that it was a revenge on the part of the man from Frassilongo that the woman had denounced two years ago. In fact, the man, convicted of stalking, but not racism, is oblivious to the facts.



After the assassination, the condolences of President Maurizio Fugatti also arrived: «I express deep sorrow for the disappearance of Agitu Idea Gudeta, the 42-year-old Ethiopian shepherd who lived in the Mocheni Valley and was found dead in her home today. My condolences to all the loved ones who have received her in Trentino in recent years “

The Ethiopian woman, owner of the organic company “La capra felice” of Maso Villata, had been involved and was the victim of a bad story linked to stalking compounded by racial profiling two years ago.

The story began in October 2018 when Agitu Idea Gudeta, had gone to the carabinieri, denouncing that for about a year, threats, assaults and insults, the latter due to the dark color of his skin, by a man from his neighbor.

The investigations, carried out by the Arma soldiers, had obtained objective evidence of the woman’s statements, such as the issuance of an arrest warrant against DC, a 53-year-old Italian resident in Frassilongo who had been placed under house arrest and that we repeat has no relation to what happened.

He arrived in Italy in 2010 and immediately joined the community. She was often seen behind her banquet at Santa Maria Maggiore, where she was proudly noticed thanks to her Ethiopian hat that distinguished her from afar. He was always happy and smiling. P.For a time, she had also found love for a boy who helped her out in the company. But then the relationship ended.

He loved his goats to whom he had given a name. She was made from scratch and became a very good entrepreneur, owner of her business in Frassilongo where she raised her goats but where some neighbors saw her with a bad eye and did not like her “Because the goats ate the products of the gardens” – She always worried to her closest friends. A serious loss that could turn into a true tragedy within a community shocked and confused by what happened.


