Too many secrets about the Covid vaccine. That’s why they want it to be mandatory – Time


Arnaldo Magro

The hot topic in these hours is the Vaccine for COVID-19 and its administration. Now they are leaking to the government that, if Italians are not vaccinated en masse, they will be forced to impose it, by law. Which would create a precedent not only. But why did we get to this point? A good communication by institutions is not enough anymore? In the US, for example, there may berequired? The Italians, who according to the government, have gone from being a virtuous example around the world, to a perfect fool, are they so self-injurious, knowing that the vaccine can save their lives? Really hard to think about.

So why make it mandatory? Why one effective communication has the obligation to be transparent. But clearly right now, there isn’t even list that determine the priority of those who are entitled to it. It is legitimate to wonder why the European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen, has held Vaccine contracts with secret pharmaceutical companies. There is no desire to feed any conspiracy thinking but only to ask for clarity, on such a delicate subject as health. By keeping contracts secret, no one can know the quantities purchased, the cost, or the distribution. On such a delicate subject, the constant sending of contradictory messages, among themselves, runs the risk of creating chaos among citizens. “The importance of having nothing to say makes you send an infinite number of messages,” said writer Guido Ceronetti.
