Red on your checking account can cost you dearly. Closing of debtors with 100 euros overdraft


Starting next year, going into the red in the checking account or not paying the mortgage or the loan fee to buy the car runs the risk of being very expensive. With the possibility that households and companies are classified as “delinquent debtors”. With all the consequences on contractual relationships (suspension of credit lines, repayment of debts, recovery actions) linked to the definition of “non-payment”. In fact, January 1, 2021 is the last day for the entry into force of the new regulations launched by the EBA, the European Banking Authority, in September 2016. Standards from the beginning considered too strict by the ABI, and more now with the Covid crisis. “For some years we have been raising this problem – warns the president of ABI …

From next year enter red in the checking account or not paying the mortgage or the loan fee to buy the car runs the risk of being very expensive. With the possibility that families and companies are classified as “debitori in default“With all the consequences on contractual relationships (suspension of credit lines, debt repayment, recovery actions) linked to the definition of” non-payment “.

In fact, January 1, 2021 is the last day for the entry into force of the new regulations approved by the EBA, the European Banking Authority, in September 2016. Regulations from the beginning considered too strict by the ABI, and more now with the crisis of COVID-19. “For a few years we have been raising this problem – warns ABI president Antonio Patuelli – and we have accentuated these reports with the pandemic.” This year, adds Patuelli, the European authorities have relaxed many rules but not the new e stricter definition of non-compliance: “We are sure that in this pandemic emergency flexibility push there can also be this revision, or at least a suspension or relaxation.” Thesis also reaffirmed by the CEO of Abi, Giovanni Sabatini, who underlining “the excessive rigidity” of the new thresholds indicated by the EBA, expressed “his appreciation for the intensification of the positions aimed at supporting an urgent change.” Positions that yesterday saw consumers, businesses and political forces sound the alarm about the risk of a credit crisis. Giorgia Meloni (Fdi) has asked the government (also requested by Codacons) to intervene against “a announced disaster“while Antonio Tajani sent a letter to Commissioners McGuinness and Breton.

If there will be no reversal, as of January 1, the new rules establish that an individual is automatically considered in arrears if he is more than 90 days in arrears for a amount in red of just over 100 euros is he more than 1% (until now it was 5%) of loans or mortgages exceptional. So 150 euros in the case of a loan of 15 thousand euros or 1000 with a mortgage of 100 thousand euros. Compared to today, if the information remains the same after 90 days of arrears in the Central Credit Registry, such as “bad payers“(with then the difficulties to obtain new loans), the non-payment, even if it is a single debt, within the same banking group will be extended to all existing loans and other lines of credit will not be able to be used to offset the red Finally, It will be possible to return to the condition of executor only three months after having paid the arrears, with commissions and interest included.

As the Bank of Italy points out, when explaining in detail the new stricter regulations, the behavior to be adopted in relation to defaulting clients is part of the policy of each bank. So it doesn’t mean that after 90 days shots to force the checking account blocking wave Bill Payment: It will depend on the individual institutions with those, starting with Intesa Sanpaolo, which, depending on the reliability of the client, will continue to allow debits on discovered accounts. But, warns Luigi Gabriele, president of Consumerism “in a context in which millions of families have suffered a reduction in income due to Covid, there is a risk of a wave of new bad payers.”

Already last year the ABI and consumers had prepared an anti-default formulary, recommending meeting deadlines, family planning of income and monthly expenses, frequent review of the balance of the checking account and credit cards and not accumulating too many loans, even little ones. Finally, in case of difficulty, it is good to contact the bank or financial institution asking, Altroconsumo informs, the suspension (where appropriate) of the installments, the renegotiation or extension of loans and mortgages or, concludes Lando Sileoni ( Fabi), request a loan even beyond the current account overdraft already granted.
