is one of its employees –


Trento – She had fled her country, Ethiopia, after being threatened several times due to her commitment against land grabbing by multinationals and had sought a future in Trentino. It had not been easy, he had also fought against prejudice. But she, energetic and strong, determined and courageous, had managed to make herself loved even in that historically closed valley. He had many projects, he wanted to expand his La capra felice farm in the Mocheni valley, in Trentino, and he had also shown the rendering to some friends. Finally, after so much suffering and the racist threats to which she had been the victim, Agitu Idea Gudeta, born in 1978, had found a certain serenity.

They beat her to death yesterday. A blow to the head that did not let him out. But Agitu, the well-known and esteemed Ethiopian breeder in Trentino who would have turned 43 in January, perhaps was also raped. what the police officers of the Borgo Valsugana company are trying to understand, who together with their colleagues from the operational department of the provincial command, led by the assistant prosecutor Giovanni Benelli and the prosecutor Sandro Raimondi, are investigating the murder. The military also found the murder weapon: a hammer. The woman’s body was found slumped on the ground inside her house, in her bedroom, on the second floor of a building owned by the Municipality, which also includes the town’s rectory, in Plankerhoff, in Frassilongo, a complex. that rises a few kilometers from his farm.

The police are trying to reconstruct those terrible minutes inside Agitu’s room, who for about three years had taken with him a collaborator from the farm, a 32-year-old man of Ghanaian origin named Adams. A pastor whom she had welcomed and helped. The man was detained overnight and taken to the barracks. where he was interrogated for hours and He confessed. The motive is not yet clear, there are many shadows and questions surrounding the crime: it would be a question of money and an unpaid salary. The neighbor sounded the alarm around 6pm.

Yesterday morning, Agitu had to meet with a surveyor for his agricultural extension project, but he never showed up for the appointment. An unusual behavior for her, who had always been a precise woman, so everyone in the village knew how much she cared. it was precisely the prolonged absence and that missed appointment that made the neighbor suspicious. Not seeing Agitu enter the house, and when she reached the bedroom, her heart stopped for a moment. Tears and despair. Where did the pastor go? The woman screamed. Then the desperate plea for help. But for Agitu, who had also graduated in Sociology from Trento, it was too late.
