Following the collapse, the registry offices will move to the former headquarters of Romagna Acque


The registry offices will be moved to the former headquarters of Romagna Acque in piazzale del Lavoro, which was planned as the new headquarters of the Local Police. Times are not going to be fast: we are talking about the end of the summer of next year, with works in the plants for 300 thousand euros, in particular the telematics that must be working at maximum, since the issuance of identity cards provides for continuous connections with the banks. data. It is the decision announced on Tuesday by budget councilor Vittorio Cicognani in the city hall.

The historic offices of the registry office, in Piazzetta della Misura, are largely unusable due to the collapse of the false ceiling that took place on October 20. The Municipality commissioned a series of controls to other similar structures and for this reason these offices had to be transferred with high citizen participation. The question was posed by question time by Elisa Massa, a Pd councilor, who pointed out inefficiencies in the current temporary solution, with external expectations in the cold, a small inadequate gazebo placed outside the temporary entrance, and architectural barriers. The transfer to Piazza del Lavoro will allow the services to be maintained during the restoration works of the City Hall.
