The second note in two days, not to mention Matteo renzi, but once again referring to the former prime minister and the hello plan presented by the leader of Italia Viva as an alternative to the Prime Minister’s Recovery Plan Giuseppe Conte. The secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti then he reiterates that “the Democratic Party is firmly against attitudes and actions that are likely to degenerate into confusing political adventures and on routes no prospects. It would not be fair “. “At the same time – underlines the note – for weeks we have asked with great clarity and we are asking for much more now, a relaunch of government action, of which the project Recovery Fund it is a fundamental part but not the only one ”. “The time has come to be consistentZingaretti rewrites the day he internal confrontation the majority took another step: the ministers Roberto Gualtieri ed Enzo Amendola they met with the delegations of M5s and Pd. And the Democrats delivered their own document of “comments“In the draft recovery plan. Ten pages starting from an indication: “The Recovery Plan is an opportunity for a new one”Italian pact‘who faces the crisis with the courage to change ”. Then the government is asked to do “more explicit“Proposals, avoiding the risk of”consolidate OR just right the country that exists “.
Despite the umpteenth threat of Alive italy and Renzi, Prime Minister Conte tries to come up with one synthesis on the plan for the distribution of EU funds. The objective is to be able to prepare the different exponents for a plenary meeting with all parties: “Today the comparison in the next generation of the EU another step forward. Our only concern is the interest of Italy, so it should not be wasted not even a euro of the resources, partly non-refundable, that we have available ”, reiterates Zingaretti. For the secretary of the Democratic Party, “it is essential that a schedule required for the adoption of the Plan, the schedule of parliamentary confrontation and the participation of the country. Along with this they must decide rules for its implementation, which make the project credible and oriented to the strategic options that we have indicated together all’Europe“.” From day one we have reiterated that our contribution to the executive is exclusively linked to the objective of change and improve the country. In our document, which constitutes the contribution to the ongoing discussion, we indicate i priority topics put in the center of the Italian Renaissance in discontinuity with the old development model, marked by too many injustices and one for decades lack of growth“We keep reading on Zingaretti’s note.
“We do not want ‘restoration‘Italy that existed before the pandemic, we want to build it a new, which gives hope and a future to the younger generations ”, adds the democratic secretary. “Spending and spending well means concentrate resources, prioritize investments, transform them as quickly as possible into concrete jobs adapt and strengthen public administration, coordinating the action of the different institutional levels to avoid conflicts and confusion and waste of time. With today’s meeting, the Democratic Party wanted to offer a first contribution, but together with the parliamentary groups from January we will launch a campaign of initiatives aimed at the country and the social forces to discuss and confront each other, ”concludes Zingaretti.
The document Pd – If yesterday Matteo Renzi decided to present “his” Recovery Plan, today the delegation of the Democratic Party delivered a document of his to the Minister of Economy Gualtieri entitled: “After the pandemic, another country. More investments, less transfers. “In the text of” observations “we read:” We have before us an unprecedented opportunity and a moral duty which commits us above all to future generations: change Italian society for the better, face i structural problems of our country, made even more evident by the health crisis that has amplified inequalities me limits of the current economic and social system. “For the Democratic Party, the” pillars “of the Renaissance Plan should be” the modernization the country, the digital and ecological revolution, the reduction of social and territorial inequalities, the gender equality“.
Therefore, the document continues, “it is important that the reform intentions of the Plan and the leitmotif that marks the role and mission of Italy in the post-pandemic made more explicit, counteracting the risk that the proposal we are discussing assumes a fragmentary character and sometimes contradictoryObservations that, at least at this point, somehow trace the accusation made by Renzi of “a collage Irregular“It is necessary to prevent the just ambition that inspires the document proposed by the government from materializing on occasions in a series of projects that risk more than consolidate OR just right the country that exists, with its limitations, its delays and its injustices, rather than delineating another idea from italy, another realistic and desirable development model ”. “In our opinion, this is the central political point; more is needed discontinuity in the country’s transformation objectives because the objective should not be to ‘rebuild’ what it was, but to ‘regenerate’ the country by investing in its huge potential and in front of yours fragility“.