because the case should not alarm


A nurse in spain tested positive for coronavirus 24 hours after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. The news was reported by the newspaper “El País”. The nurse works in a nursing home in the city of Lleida, in Catalonia, and according to the reconstruction of the newspaper, she was vaccinated on Sunday, December 27. Therefore, he tested positive for the swab yesterday, Monday, December 28, that is, 24 hours after receiving the first dose of the vaccine. One possible circumstance: the informed consent form actually reads that “the vaccine induces our body to activate a protection mechanism capable of preventing the virus responsible for COVID-19 from entering our cells and therefore preventing the appearance illness “, but specifies that” it may take up to 7 days after the second dose of the vaccine to develop protection. ” In summary, it is possible to contract symptomatic infection between the first and second doses of the vaccine.

Colleagues of the nurse and the guests of the nursing home in solitary confinement – As for the case of this nurse in Spain, according to media reports, the four colleagues who administered the vaccines with her were placed in isolation, as well as the 66 residents of the elderly center. All personnel will now be screened. Health Department sources indicate that the risk of contagion is minimal, since the medical personnel were duly protected with gowns, gloves and masks and no one was in contact with the guests for more than 15 minutes. In any case, the elderly were isolated preventively. Catalonia began to administer the Covid vaccines, like the rest of Spain, last Sunday and has already given the first dose to 802 people.

Garattini: “28 days of immunity”

The case of the Spanish nurse who tested positive 24 hours after receiving the first dose of vaccine “is not surprising and should not be alarming. It is above all a matter of time.” He told the AGI the pharmacologist Silvio Garattini, president of the Mario Negri Institute, who recalls: “Pfizer’s vaccine, the only one currently distributed in Europe, requires two doses to be effective: the first and then a booster at 21 days. Therefore, since the woman has received only the first dose, it is clear that she has not yet developed immunity. “Furthermore, even immediately after the booster dose she cannot be considered protected:” It takes the body another 7 days to develop antibodies. In summary, from the day of the first dose, 28 must pass to be reasonably calm. “Garattini also recalls that we do not know if the vaccine protects against the clinical manifestation of the disease or from infection tout court.” We will soon know since The vaccinations have already begun. Therefore – the pharmacologist emphasizes – the recommendation is to maintain prudential measures, starting with the masks, even once vaccinated. Because we know that the vaccine in 90-95% of cases certainly protects against development of the symptoms of the disease, which is obviously the most important, but it is not excluded that it can still be infected, albeit with a very low viral load.A sufficient number of vaccinated people and an adequate period of time will be needed Certainly, the case of the Spanish nurse, who had only received one dose and, moreover, the day before, does not tell us anything.
