“If digitization does not concern everyone, it is not a revolution: the digital public function reaches young people”, announces the Minister of Technological Innovation and Digitization Paola Pisano.
“The girls and boys of the digital public function will commit to helping citizens, starting with the elderly and those less familiar with the technologies, to obtain and use the new digital services of the Public Administration such as the Digital Public Identity System ( Spid) or IO, the application of public services to access public services from mobile phones ”, explains the minister.
“If digitization does not concern everyone – he emphasizes – how can we speak of a digital revolution?”
The memorandum of understanding was signed with the Minister of Youth and Sports Policies, Vincenzo Spadafora.
The initiative aims to increase the digital skills and competencies of citizens and promote the use of digital public services to promote the full enjoyment of citizens’ rights, disseminate a conscious approach to digital reality and facilitate collaboration between Administrations Public. , institutions and citizens.
The Protocol is part of the objectives of the Digital Republic program promoted by Minister Pisano to counteract the digital divide, including cultural ones, and fully responds to the main objective of the Public Function supported by Minister Spadafora to invest in young people, their training and their role as active citizens.
At least 1000 volunteer operators will be employed in the role of “digital facilitators” in the “Digital Civil Service” program during the first year of experimentation. Young people will be adequately trained to operate in the territory, in neighborhoods, in local communities and in public spaces organized to welcome and guide those who need support in the use of technologies.
The public notice of presentation of intervention programs and projects for the digital public function will be addressed to the bodies accredited in the Universal Registry of Public Function and will be published at the beginning of the year on the website of the Department of Youth Policies and Services. universal civil.
“I am really very happy that at least 1000 young volunteers will be employed in the role of” digital facilitators “in the” Digital Civil Service “program during the first year of experimentation and that it can also be enhanced thanks to the Next Generation EU plan”, comments the minister. Spadafora.