67-year-old woman falls ill and dies [notiziediprato.it]


12.28.2020 h 19:11 comments

Tragedy in a Macrolotto Two company: a 67-year-old woman falls ill and dies

It happened in the early hours of the afternoon today at a dry cleaner in via dei Confini. The victim was there to clean up when she was seized by the disease that would not let her out

Tragedy in a Macrolotto Two company: a 67-year-old woman falls ill and dies

Tragedy on the afternoon of today, December 28, inside a textile company in via dei Confini al Macrolotto Due, a dry cleaner. A 67-year-old Italian woman died after suffering a disease that left her with no way out. Immediate alarm to 118 who immediately sent an ambulance: unfortunately, however, the woman had nothing to do and after trying in vain to revive her, the rescuers had to surrender.
Police and ASL inspectors also intervened at the scene. As it became known, the woman was busy cleaning within the company, at this time she stopped with work. When he had the fatal illness he would have been in the locker room. The woman allegedly suffered from heart problems. The magistrate on duty was informed that he had released the body, there being no doubts about the natural causes of death.

Related local editions: Prato

News date:
28.12.2020 h 19:11

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