Towards the reopening of gyms and swimming pools at the end of January: Minister Spadafora’s announcement


“I think it is possible, although with some limitations, to reopen gyms, swimming pools and dance centers at the end of January”: announced the Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora, who spoke this morning to the Raitre Agorà program. The minister added that the trend of infections will have to be taken into account, “but the opening at the end of January is an achievable goal. I want to send a signal of tranquility.”

“I am convinced that at the end of January sports activities will be able to resume, with the conditions that the CTS will indicate with great precision and probably with limitations,” explained the minister. “We work constantly with the CTS, even before the end of October we had developed a new protocol with very strict measures and I must say that many gyms had made investments. We gave a substantial subsidy to all those subjects to cover the expenses incurred ”.

With the dpcm released at the end of October, everyone’s shutdown “gyms, swimming pools, ski areas, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas, with the exception of the provision of services included in the essential levels of assistance, as well as cultural centers, social centers and recreational centers. “With the division of Italy There have been no changes in three risk zones: even in the yellow zone the stop for swimming pools and gyms has been maintained, which of course is also closed in the orange and red zone.

“Reopening in January is one of my goals and an achievable goal, but we must see the pandemic data in early January. I do not want to make promises but the objective of reopening, although with limitations, gyms, dance centers and swimming pools. and all other important activities for the well-being of Italians, I think it is possible ”, explained the minister pentastellato.

In terms of refreshments, Spadafora announced a new decree for the fifth of January. For the ski sector it will be “substantial because surely we will be forced to keep activities closed, but we are not going to abandon anyone. The truth is that we have not yet come out of the crisis and we will have to do it simultaneously with the dissemination of vaccines , in January “.
