“Mandatory? Only if the campaign does not reach 2/3 of the population” – Libero Quotidiano


“A historic moment” for the Vice Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri the start of the vaccination campaign. But we still have to be careful, “because we still have several months to live with the virus. Let’s not kid ourselves to get out of it in a few weeks. COVID-19 there will be a need for a massive adherence to the vaccine. “Sileri interviewed by The impression beat those, including doctors, nurses and RSA staff, who do not join the campaign. “It is also understandable that there may be reluctance on the part of some people, because it is a new vaccine. But if it is the health personnel who are reluctant, who has a degree to understand that the risks are those of any other vaccine, then I tell those people that they have the wrong job. And I would question, even more seriously, the quality of our training system. Have gods no vax among doctors it amounts to failure. “

But, will there be an obligation to get vaccinated? No, the vice minister explains. “There is no obligation. If in the coming months, with more doses and more vaccines available, the vaccination campaign does not reach 2/3 of the population, then countermeasures must be taken. Among these, there are required. But it is not a current problem. And I’m confident that a broad vaccine education campaign will significantly improve outcomes, “he reveals..

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There are those who complain about the delays in vaccination in Italy compared, for example, with the Germany. “It should be clarified, if there has been an error in the distribution. However, there are weekly percentages of vaccine destined for each country and these will surely be respected, beyond the initial doses with which it was started ”. Talk about again third wave: “I’m afraid not. The vaccine, which is effective a month after the first dose, will not be able to do anything in the face of the very probable resurgence that we will see in the coming days, due to the increased circulation during the holidays, even with all the limits adopted “.

However, Sileri sees some flashes to return to normal: “If the numbers show that in a region there are epidemiological curve It’s been under control for weeks, I don’t see why we shouldn’t start talking about a gradual reopening of gyms, cinemas and theaters. Including the progressive extension of the hours of bars and restaurants and the opening of shopping centers on Sundays ”. And about the English variant, he explains that, “it is a risk when it comes to reopening. The vaccine will always be effective, but if the increase in contagion causes the numbers to get out of control, it becomes an obstacle, because it would also lead to more deaths. All 21 parameters remain critical for tailored restrictions, “concludes Sileri.
