On December 23, 2020, Massimo Mazzucco’s YouTube channel, «luogocomune2» or «Contro.tv», publishes a video titled «Even kiwi takes Covid» where an experiment is shown, carried out by Dr. Mariano Amici and Prof. Stefano Scoglio, with whom it is believed to publicize the unreliability of Covid19 tampons. Which exactly?
The experiment refers to so-called quick swabs that should not be confused with standard molecular PCR tests (not rapid ones), especially since they are not taken into account in the positive case count that is reported in the usual daily bulletin.
For those in a hurry
- The video attempts to demonstrate the unreliability of rapid tests, not standard molecular PCR tests (not rapid ones) called simply “swab tests” through the media.
- Rapid tests reveal the antigen, not the virus, through the genome trace, as detected by the standard molecular PCR test.
- Daily bulletins report positive cases for Covid19 based on molecular PCR tests performed in each region, not through rapid tests.
- The tests used in the video are performed solely and exclusively to analyze human test material, not fruits and vegetables.
- Substances unrelated to the type of test, such as those found, for example, in a Coke, can distort the results.
- Rapid tests do not guarantee a certain result, but can be used for a first large-scale control and then to verify the effective positivity or negativity using the molecular PCR test.
We come to Massimo Mazzucco’s introduction:
Good night. Today we present an experiment on the reliability of quick swabs. Quick swabs are those tests that you see being done continuously on television where a swab is inserted into the nasal cavity that takes some mucus and then puts it in the reagent and checks whether the person has the Covid virus or not. It is a rapid test that takes about 15 minutes to give the result and has been used massively during the so-called second wave with more than 100,000 tests carried out throughout Italy in a single day. They are precisely the results of these massive tests … with impressive figures, let us remember the news of the last months “Today 12 thousand new cases”, “Today 20 thousand new cases” and so on and so forth … these are the tests that have allowed us establish the spread of the infection in our country and therefore take the appropriate countermeasures.
The news concerning 100,000 tests in a single day is linked to the announcement in early November about the rapid tests purchased by the State to perform 100,000 per day in each Italian region. These, however, are not considered for the count of positive cases reported in the bulletins that are in turn cited in the news, this is because the surveillance of cases of infection by Sars-Cov-2 is carried out through tests molecular PCR tests that do not take 15 minutes at all. to get a result, but in a few hours in the lab.
In the introduction to the video, images of a sample taken through a throat swab to a person sitting inside the passenger compartment of his car are shown: this is the so-called drive-through mode, a system that would allow speed in withdrawals on the one hand. and it would avoid overcrowding of citizens who undergo the same test.

The PCR test has not been replaced at all by rapid tests, contrary to what Mazzucco says in his video in the introduction and in the conclusions of the video where he also relates a test carried out through Coca Cola by an Austrian deputy.

We arrived at the test presented in the video starring Stefano Scoglio and Mariano Amici, starting from the latter’s conclusions until the experiment they carried out:
This experiment makes it clear that the swab is absolutely unreliable and therefore cannot be taken as a basis to say that we have new outbreaks of positives and therefore the admissions by positives increase, so the admissions will also increase but do not have nothing to do with Covid positivity because we have clearly seen that those who are Covid positive are not absolutely sure they have Covid, as well as those who are Covid negative, it is not absolutely certain that they do not have Covid. So, on this basis, on this absurdity, on this total lack of reliability of the tampon, nor therapeutic measures, therefore therapeutic protocols, nor restrictive measures against all commercial and non-commercial activities, and against citizens with very serious consequences. damage to the entire national economy. We will bring all of this to the magistrate’s spotlight, we will bring the film to the magistrate and where the magistrate does not consider this evidence sufficient, they will surely be able, and we will request, appoint a CTU to verify the unreliability of the swab. This means that the test, having been repeatable, repeatable experiment, scientific law, which will certify that everything that has been done to date on the diagnostic, therapeutic and restrictive measures profile is absolutely absurd and has implied serious consequences for the entire population. population and for the entire national economy with consequent very serious crimes that the magistrate must verify and eventually prosecute. Thank you all.
Looking closely at the video we can see the packaging of the Joysbio product used:

The packages and kits shown in the video match those of the Joysbio company:

This product, as specified by the manufacturer itself, is only suitable for a qualitative test and an auxiliary diagnosis, so it should not be considered as the sole basis for clinical diagnosis. That is why the instructions specify that a molecular test must be performed to ensure:
Negative results should be treated as suspect and confirmed with an FDA-approved molecular test, if necessary, for clinical management, including infection control.
Not only that, the following conditions are set out in the same instructions:
- “The contents of this kit should only be used for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens from nasal swab samples.”
- “This device has only been evaluated for use with human test material.”
At a certain point, the extraction is shown through a swab -which we remember is only a collection tool- of part of the juice that a Kiwi contains, a substance that will then be subjected to the rapid test. In fact, this goes against the instructions for the test itself, which must be carried out exclusively through the collection of human samples.

The substance, once prepared according to the test instructions (which resembles pregnancy tests, but it should be noted that it is not at all), would have given a positive result to Covid19 according to the protagonists of the video.

How to read the test is specifically explained on the Joysbio website. To be considered positive, the staining of the test line (T) and the control line (C) must be obtained, otherwise it would be “negative” or “invalid”:
NEGATIVE: A color band appears on the control line (line C); no color band appears on the test line (T line). A negative result indicates that there is no coronavirus antigen (N protein) in the sample or that the coronavirus antigen level is below the limit of detection.
POSITIVE: One color band appears on the control line (line C), a second color band appears on the test line (line T). A positive result indicates the presence of COVID-19 antigen (protein N) in the patient sample.
INVALID: No color band appears on the control line (line C). An invalid test result suggests that there may be insufficient buffer volume or incorrect operating procedures. Carefully review the test procedure and retest the same patient with another rapid coronavirus antigen test cassette. Contact your dealer if the problem persists.

The test performed on the kiwi only clearly shows the test line, while the control line is barely visible. According to the protagonists of the video, the slight coloration would confirm the positivity of the test.

Here is the result obtained by the three protagonists of the video:
- kiwi, orange and berries would be considered “certain positives”;
- banana, grape, tangerine would be “uncertain”;
- “negative” juice of pear, pumpkin, cabbage and fruit.

We must consider some problems related to the test carried out by the protagonists of the video. In addition to the fact that the product has been designed to obtain results from material taken from humans and not from fruits or vegetables, the elements contained in the latter could affect the result of the test not because they are positive for Covid19 but because of the chemical reactions that can trigger the coloring of the bars present in the product. In the case of the demonstration by the Austrian MP, Michael Schnedlitz, Coca Cola gave a positive result for the same reason as explained by the same manufacturer of the test that used:
Any pregnancy test would have come back positive. Before the Honorable Member makes such embarrassing statements public, it might make sense to do just a little chemistry.
The protagonists of the video shared and supported by Massimo Mazzucco are not the first to speak of tests carried out through non-human sources. In May 2020, the President of Tanzania had spread the news of a test carried out with Papaya and a goat, obtaining positive results for Covid19, but without providing any evidence.
Quick swabs like the ones used in the video are not considered for the count of positive cases reported in the daily bulletins, which refer to the molecular PCR test.
Compared to the president of Tanzania, the three protagonists of the Italian video show the world their proof in support of the reliability of Covid19 rapid tampons. However, the test is carried out in violation of the specifications of the product itself using non-human samples that do not demonstrate a positive or negative Covid19 at all.
The elements contained in products such as fruits and vegetables can contain substances that alter the test result, as was also shown in the case of the Austrian MP who used Coca Cola.
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