
Adriano Celentano defends him, Monsignor Paglia ties him up: the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, is back in the spotlight. The subject of the discussion, this time, is that the V-Day has been vaccinated against Covid, a day destined for health personnel and certainly not for politicians, although no longer for children like him. Sheriff De Luca did not want to wait his turn, perhaps fearing that he would run out of doses and for that reason, in favor of the cameras and the flash, he had the pfizer serum.

The gesture did not go unnoticed and was in fact considered, by most, a way to “skip the line” and play trick. The senator of the Brothers of Italy, Antonio Iannone, regional commissioner of the FdI in Campania, in fact, presented a question to know if we are facing “an abuse of power”. The Northern League of Calderoli thundered. Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy of Life and head of the Commission for the reform of assistance to the elderly population, said “no to shortcuts and forcing.”

Even the governor of Emilia Romagna, Stefano bonaccini, PS as the sheriff, explained that “it is a controversy that I could do without.” And Matteo Renzi also said that maybe he should have waited. Celentano is only with the governor: “I am a friend of the mayor of Naples, DeMagistris, but I appreciate De Luca’s gesture when he was vaccinated first. It is clear that he did it to encourage us.