Waking up in the snow in Piacenza and its province. From the early hours of dawn, the abundant snowfall – 31 centimeters of snow have been reported in Mucinasso, or 32 in Vigolzone, to give two examples closely linked to the plain – is causing circulation problems. TO Fiorenzuola uncontrolled traffic in the Barabasca area due to trucks lined up to access the highway toll – on site there are the carabinieri got engaged. At 9, exit A1 is closed for heavy traffic on ordinary roads. “Since 6 am this morning, 14 snow plows have been in operation – says the Commissioner of Public Works of the Municipality of Fiorenzuola, Massimiliano Morganti -. Snow inevitably causes some annoyance in any case. Our task, of course, is to minimize the difficulties for citizens, but we also need everyone’s cooperation. Some examples: reducing car travel to the minimum necessary, cleaning private sidewalks overlooking public property, helping people of a certain age who do not feel like going out. The light comes and goes in some streets of the capital.
High Valdarda, in particular a Morfasso dove would have accumulated at least two feet in the capital, there are problems on the power line: “Enel has been sighted and is intervening” – said Mayor Paolo Calestani. “There is a meter of snow in the heights and it reaches forty centimeters in Castellarquato -explains Gianfrancesco Tiramani of Morfasso Tv-. The power cuts that technical teams are facing continue, although with considerable difficulties also linked to traffic problems. The police, municipal administrations and neighborhood groups act to meet the different needs of the communities. TO Carpaneto there were no public lighting in the capital and in the Chero village. “I made the report to the company that provides the service, it will intervene as soon as possible – says Mayor Andrea Arfani -. They also report some private users in the dark: for these you need to report to the number 803.500, indicating your code POD “. Even in the capital of Valchero all the available snow plows are already in operation as of tonight and will continue to work.” It is evident that – says Arfani -, while a lot of snow continues to fall, the already cleared sections continue to fill up: you can clean again on the next lap. I ask for your patience and collaboration: the cleaning of the streets in the town and outside will continue throughout the snowfall, and at the end the road salt will be spread ».
All the municipalities of Piacentino are preparing to clear the roads. «As we see well – let us know the mayor of Carpaneto Andrea Arfani – We are in the middle of an unprecedented snowfall in recent years (2020 does not save anything eh). The snowplows have been around since 4am this morning and have already done the first round of cleaning in town and outside. The problem is that, obviously, given the amount that falls, much of it is immediately redeposited. I ask the courtesy to contain the reports to the real needs: our telephones are receiving dozens of telephone calls that report snow in front of the house asking to pass the shovels. They have already passed, they pass everywhere. In this way we run the risk of not being able to receive reports of real emergencies. Please patience and cooperation. Otherwise, everything is more difficult and you can’t get anywhere ».
Complicated morning right now for Local Police of the Union of Bajo Valdarda, struggling with three vehicle spills: two in Cortemaggiore and one in Monticelli. In Cortemaggiore, a heavy vehicle is still standing at the moment, two patrols in place with Commander Massimo Misseri.
In Gragnano, for example, the Mayor Patrizia Calza reports that many parked cars make street cleaning difficult. “They are still disconnected from electricity – says the Mayor of Calendasco Filippo Zangrandi – the inhabited areas along the two loops of the Po: that of Mezzano and that of Boscone. Enel crews are working to restore the damage along the Mezzano line and will continue until at least 3 pm The source of the Boscone fault has not yet been found and patrols on the line are underway. I am in constant contact with Enel so I will keep you informed as soon as we have news ”. “There are slowdowns – continues Zangrandi – in the cleaning of the streets of the villages of Ponte Trebbia (in particular via Torino) and Bonina due to the breakdown of a snow plow vehicle. In any case, reinforcements are arriving to solve critical problems as soon as possible.
Strong inconveniences in Piacenza. Traffic is out of control, many people from Piacenza are struggling to get to work, including health workers from the city hospital. Several routes await the passage of the snowplow.
The Civil Protection invitation: “Avoid unnecessary travel, pay attention to the public walk.”
“All of our 70 vehicles and staff – explains Mayor Patrizia Barbieri – I have been working since last night: the salt spreading vehicles were already on the roads from 10 at night, while the snowplows continuously clean the streets from 4 in the morning. Of course, as anyone who has tried cleaning their yard or cleaning the sidewalk has noticed, snow continues to settle relentlessly. That is why we will continue to operate with the maximum commitment and with all available means, but I recommend the utmost caution. It is not a snowfall for the “ordinary administration”, so we need more attention from everyone. Despite the multiple media at work, the traffic remains extremely difficult.
Some trees have also fallen, like in Mucinasso, where a school pine collapsed to the ground. At 8.30 it turns out the Piacenza Sud motorway exit is closed for heavy traffic on ordinary roads.
This is the Viale Dante area.
In the historic center, the Christmas lights gave way to the weight of the snow.
Convened by the prefect Daniela Lupo and coordinated by the director of Civil Protection, Patrizia Savarese, a meeting of the Traffic Operational Committee was held at 8, which was attended by representatives of the police, firefighters, the Municipalities of Piacenza and Fiorenzuola, of the highway concessionaires, of the province of Piacenza and of the Regional Civil Protection Agency, in consideration of the heavy snowfalls in progress. The road and motorway management entities have activated all their operational structures to facilitate movement. All other components of the civil protection system are alerted and operational. The weather situation, also in light of the current “orange” weather alert, requires special attention in road traffic with increased travel times. A meeting of the Rescue Coordination Center will be held at 10 o’clock for one more point of the situation and for the follow-up of the case as well as for the case evaluations.