
Mariano Amici, the Ardea doctor denounced to the College of Physicians of Rome for his positions on the anticovid vaccine, continues to defend his position. In an interview with Adnkronos he said: “I am not against vaccines and I am not a denier, also because I have been doing them for 40 years. the shit I seen in the Covid vaccine… What I challenge myself is the modality and I try to explain why I am against this vaccine ”. And regarding the withdrawal made by the Order of doctors, he explained that he had responded to the complaints raised and specified “don’t be a no vax“. I say that vaccinations should not be done indiscriminately, you have to explain to the patient what is done.”

The phrases that triggered the report
Mariano Amici, very active on his Facebook page where he talks about ‘health terrorism’ in relation to the covid, had commented on Facebook about the arrival of the vaccines at the Lazzaro Spallanzani hospital, talking about ‘folklore‘and taunting the escort to the police van. “They are afraid that these vaccines will be stolen from them. I think they have taken us for crazy, that is folklore, what is the point of all this? To show what? A serious government should have guaranteed some facts about the vaccine with a proper experimentation, the time available was not enough to test its efficacy and its immunity. “

“Tampons make people sick”
Mariano Amici was reported toOrder of Doctors of Rome from colleagues and patients who learned about their position regarding the covid vaccine. Along with him, two other doctors who publicly support his positions. Besides saying that the Sars-Cov-2 vaccine It could be harmful, Amici argues that tampons have “made people sick, deprived us of freedom and destroyed the national economy.”
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