what will happen after january 6


ROME – In recent days the rumor had spread that, after January 6, there would be at least a partial reopening of cinemas, theaters, gyms me swimming pool. The optimistic forecast, however, collides with the Dpcm currently in force, which sets the 15th day of the same month deadline, after which, based on epidemiological data, the decree approved on December 3 will be replaced, modified or completed.

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Cinemas and theaters reopening, let’s go no

Government sources say the idea of ​​reopening cinemas, theaters, gyms and swimming pools has never been the subject of discussion in parliament. The priority is all in the analysis of the data that the Ministry of Health will provide after the Epiphany, to evaluate the impact of the relaxation of the restrictions implemented in some regions at the beginning of December, as well as in the trend of infections during the season. Christmas. The alarm raised by some experts in virology, who defined “disastrous“A possible third wave of Coronavirus, suggests that the closure imposed in the aforementioned public places will extend even after January 15.
