Anti Covid vaccine, Aifa gives the green light to obtain six (and not five) doses from each vial of Pfizer: so Italy will have 32 million


After moving the Germany, which on Monday had done the same following the example of the USA, the Italian Medicines Agency gave the green light to get “at least six doses”From each vial of the vaccine PfizerBiontech. Therefore, one more dose compared to five per bottle prudently indicated by the company. The result is that Italy at full capacity (deliveries according to the official calendar will continue until next September) will not have 27 million available, but 32.4 million administrations of preparation. Besides, of course, the vaccines of other companies with which European Comission It has signed preliminary agreements that are still in the authorization phase.

“With the aim of using all the product available in each vial and avoiding waste“Aifa wrote in a statement published Monday night in accordance with the provisions of its technical-scientific commission, the agency suggests that” without prejudice to the need to ensure the administration of the correct amount of 0.3 ml to each subject vaccinated through the ‘use of suitable syringes, it is possible to have at least 1 additional dose compared to the 5 doses stated in Summary of Product Characteristics (Rcp)“.

“The dose of vaccine that must be administered to each person is 0.3 ml. This dose should be drawn in aseptic conditions and using suitable precision syringes, from a vaccine vial containing 2.25 ml, after the expected dilution with sodium chloride solution 0.9%, ”Aifa continues. “No residue from different vials should be mixed, even those belonging to the same batch number,” the agency concludes.

Just yesterday the company had specified that each vial of ComirnatyThis is the commercial name of the anti-Covid vaccine, it contains six doses but its use in Europe is only authorized for five because special syringes and needles are needed to extract the six doses from the vials, which are not available in all countries. However, in the US, where the vaccine was urgently licensed in early December, the Fda stated that it was acceptable to use “all the full doses that can be obtained from each vial (the sixth, or perhaps even the seventh)”. And the German Health Minister in turn gave the green light to the possibility of withdrawing six doses from each vial in Germany.

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