The 100 Italian anti-vaccine doctors


Inserted in the risk categories to which to manage the vaccine as soon as possible, some did not join the anti-covid campaign. Of the total of 400,000, about a hundred Italian doctors are considered vaccine deniers, including the one that has just arrived against the coronavirus. The estimate is Filippo Anelli, president of the federation of medical orders (Fnomceo). “It is a problem that does not arise now – remember Anelli inAGI – and we’ve already had several examples of this in the Lorenzin period and mandatory vaccinations for children. But it is a small, perhaps noisy, minority on whom inquiries of orders are underway and in some cases there have already been sanctions. Fortunately, there are few – confirms President Fnomceo – but I understand that these days the issue is reappearing strongly ”.

Compulsory vaccination for doctors?

The little alarm of no vax in the room is played on the fine line that separates the greater public interest also related to the profession and the freedom of personal opinion. That is why in the last hours there are those who think aboutvaccination obligation for the white coats: “We are not against – underlines Filippo Anelli – but we have to find the right balance between the Constitution, which says that no citizen can be imposed medical treatment, and the contingent situation. The right to refuse can be lose if it puts civil coexistence in crisis, putting public health at risk, which is a superior interest. But on this – he concludes – Parliament must decide, as happened with the mandatory vaccines established by then Minister Lorenzin. Surely it is an option possible, especially in certain front-line departments, for example, pulmonology. “

The investigation of the Order of Rome on 13 doctors

The subject is very topical. Today is the news that thirteen doctors were under investigation of the Order of Doctors for its non-vax position and more generally towards the coronavirus, considered as a flu. Doctors have expressed their opinions about the uselessness of the vaccine on social networks and on television, thus triggering the disciplinary measure: as announced by the President of the Order, Antonio Magi, for ten of them it has already been completed, while for the other three it is still ongoing. “It is about ten colleagues who expressed no vax positions and three instead deniers about Covid,” he specifies. The disciplinary procedure began after we received complaints from citizens and colleagues, accompanied by documentation ”.

The process foresees that the doctors in process justify and present scientifically-based explanations in support of what has been said, which are then evaluated by a special commission of the Order, which decides whether to go ahead and reach a possible sanction, or file. “For the first ten, the no vax, the process ended -continues Magi-, in some cases with the file, because some have ‘repented’, in others with a sanction, which went from censorship to warning to suspension for one or two months. “

By and tre coronavirus deniers instead, the procedure remains open. “An explanation was presented – continues the president of the Order of Doctors – but with Covid the disciplinary times are lengthened. For this type of procedure, in fact, a face-to-face call is required. However, the first part of the process has been completed, and I think that in January the new council, which will have to take office, will be able to complete the process ”.

“If doctors have doubts about the vaccine, they are in the wrong job”

The vaccination campaign in Italy began yesterday, a symbolic and at the same time historic date. The first to receive the antidote were doctors, health and social workers and the elderly within the RSA, as mandated by the Ministry of Health. But does the vaccine have to be mandatory or optional for doctors?

By the Vice Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri there is little doubt: “I am perplexed when I hear about medical colleagues or nurses who are reluctant to get vaccinated. I can understand the citizen who may not have a consolidated scientific basis and have not studied medicine and may have some reluctance to get vaccinated, but I honestly believe Those doctors and nurses, if they still have doubts after seeing what happened, they probably have the wrong job. ” For the vice minister, however, “some changes must be made, as some regions have already autonomously anticipated: for example, it would include pharmacists, who had deaths during the first wave, and dentists, who work in direct contact with all “. his patients. “

Also the infection specialist Massimo Andreoni is of the same opinion. In an interview with Delivery courier He declared how “the anticovide vaccination for health workers, both in RSA and in hospitals, should be compulsory. It is an ethical-professional duty. Otherwise, it is better to change jobs.” Then he added: “This epidemic has taught us that both in hospitals and in RSA, many times it was health workers who carried Sars Cov 2. How is it possible that we did not even allow relatives in and then allowed professionals health carry the virus? “The obligation is linked to the work that is done. No one is obliged to be a doctor, nurse, soldier, police officer. For some people, compulsory vaccination is necessary for the job they perform. It is not a deprivation of liberty, it is a And it is based on the same reason that vaccines have been made mandatory for children who have to go to school: to preserve the community. “

“There are many doctors reluctant to get vaccinated”

According to Massimo Andreoni, Senior Lecturer in Infectious Diseases, Director of Tor Vergata’s Complex Infectious Diseases Operational Unit and Scientific Director of the Italian Society for Infectious Diseases, there are many doctors who are reluctant to get vaccinated, “at least one third will not get vaccinated. No it is credible. that there is a nurse, a doctor who is a non-vax. Otherwise it means that it was wrong to give a title to each one of them. ”And if the government cannot guarantee that it is mandatory, since“ there is no enough political force to make a decision that is surely not welcome for a large part of the electorate, “then it could be the College of Physicians. Take a position:” Yes, even the medical order can say so. But the question would be limited to an ethical and deontological problem. The government must make these decisions, “concluded the infectious disease specialist.

Almost 90,000 health workers infected: 273 doctors have died since the start of the pandemic

Meanwhile, almost 90,000 health workers have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic, 273 doctors have died. The latest figures photograph the high price paid by health center staff in the daily fight against the coronavirus. It is no coincidence that the vaccination campaign started from this category. The integrated surveillance of Covid-19 by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss) has revealed that of 2,019,660 cases of Sars-Cov-2 contagion that occurred in Italy from the start of the pandemic until December 27, 89,879 affected Health workers.

In the last month, however, there have been 413,381 total cases of positivity diagnosed in our country, of which 16,923 among health workers. From the federation of medical orders (Fnomceo) it has been known that in the last hours, three other doctors have died from coronavirus. They are Raffaele Antonio Brancadoro, a retired hospital doctor, Leonardo Nargi, a gynecologist, and Stefano Simpatico, a neurosurgeon. The total number of victims among the white coats stands at 273.
