How Germany bought 30 million doses of the vaccine without the knowledge of Europe (and Italy)


Yesterday the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza argued in an interview with the press that the issue of the 150 thousand doses reached Germany on the 5th and the disparity with respect to the 9750 in Italy “is nonsense. The distribution of doses between the different States members is managed by the same Commission according to the number of inhabitants. Our share is 13.45% of the total of all vaccines that the EU has bought from the six manufacturers. At the end of the vaccination campaign, in 2022, our country will have received 202 million doses. In the immediate future, the distribution between individual states may vary depending on completely random factors: the day the communication is made, the distance to the plants. Pfizer’s are in Brussels, that’s why they arrive in Germany before us. But the portion of the dose to which each country is entitled is fixed, by contract ”.

How Germany bought 30 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

In reality, it did not work out as the minister claimed and the distance between Brussels and Berlin has nothing to do with it. As EuropaToday explained, Germany not only started running 24 hours before on the starting grid (the first vaccines Return date on Boxing Day), but also presented with the 16 regional states, better known as Lander, each of which requested and obtained its 9,750 doses, except the city-state of Bremen (less than 700 thousand inhabitants) which received half of the vials. Adding the 4,875 doses from Bremen to the 146,250 distributed in the rest of the country, we arrive at the now famous 151,125 vaccines that arrived in Germany. At the origin of the extra doses that reached Berlin – or rather, the 16 German federal states – there is at most a constitutional ‘cunning’ of Germany that used the relationship between state and local authorities that characterizes federal countries to seize a number of doses at the beginning of the long term for herd immunization.

But there is more. Because in the meantime Germany has secured another 30 million doses of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, which, according to the Ministry of Health, are added to the 55.8 million doses of the same immunizer, which will arrive through the agreement made by the ‘ EU. With these numbers in Germany at the beginning of the vaccination campaign a first batch of 400,000 doses will be available. In January, 3 to 4 million doses should arrive, for the first quarter of the year the Ministry of Health expects to have between 11 and 13 million doses available, which should be enough for the vaccination of about 6.5 million. people, since the drug requires two administrations.

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… without the knowledge of Europe (and Italy)

The Agi news agency explained yesterday that in general Germany has secured, under the framework agreement within the European Union, more than 300 million doses, including other vaccines in addition to that of Pfizer / BioNTEch, namely those developed by AstraZeneca , CureVac and Moderna. It will also receive 50.5 million doses of the Moderna vaccine, which is expected to be approved in early January, again through agreements signed by Brussels. La Stampa explains today that the Berlin government has then put things to the test so that the German-Turkish company BioNTech has bought two Novartis plants on German soil and is turning them into a race, so production will take place in the territory, drastically reducing the time. delivery and possible setbacks.

And he did it because the government is under attack: the Laender presidents in recent days had attacked Angela Merkel on the grounds that preparations for prophylaxis were too few. Locked up since December 16, Germans are experiencing the second wave of the pandemic with mounting anguish: the Robert Koch Institute has reported that the 30,000 death threshold has been exceeded, with and for Covid, and even if new infections reported In the 24 hours they are decreasing – due to the weekend and the Christmas holidays – we will have to wait until the beginning of January, to have a realistic picture of the spread of the virus. He did it without the knowledge of Europe and Italy. Protect its citizens against European interests. The sovereignists will finally be happy.

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